RDF data management and processing

This session will be about managing RDF data programmatically. We will set up an RDF data base (also called a triplestore). We will convert existing, non-RDF data, into RDF, programmatically, then load it to the triplestore.

Generate RDF with Apache Jena

These instructions assume that you are programming in Java, preferably with Eclipse, using the Apache Jena libraries. You may also use RDF4J in Java, RDFlib in Python, or Redland RDF libary in C, or dotNetRDF in C♯, or EasyRDF for PHP, or N3.js for JavaScript, or Ruby RDF for Ruby, or SWI-Prolog Semantic Web Library, etc.

These operations should get you started with Apacha Jena and Eclipse. With a different IDE for Java, the only difference will be the initial settings for a Mavan project. If you are using a different library, look at the documentation.

Now you will generate RDF data from non-RDF sources. Read the Jena tutorial to familiarise yourself with the API and learn how to generate an RDF graph programmatically. Once you are done with the tutorial, follow the instructions below.

Setting up a triplestore

There are many triplestores. The simplest to set up is probably Fuseki.

In the exercise of the first part, you can generate all the data at once in a large Jena Model and serialise it as RDF, or you can fill in a triplestore little by little. If you want to add data to a triplestore such as Jena Fuseki, you can send update queries like this:

Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// ... build the model
String datasetURL = "http://localhost:3030/dataset";
String sparqlEndpoint = datasetURL + "/sparql";
String sparqlUpdate = datasetURL + "/update";
String graphStore = datasetURL + "/data";
RDFConnection conneg = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(sparqlEndpoint,sparqlUpdate,graphStore);
conneg.load(model); // add the content of model to the triplestore
conneg.update("INSERT DATA { <test> a <TestClass> }"); // add the triple to the triplestore

If you finish fast, you can then try to define a vocabulary for GTFS and transform all the SNCF data to RDF. Your vocabulary can also distinguish between train stations and coach stations, relate stations (StopArea) to more specific locations (StopPoint), etc.

Interacting with a Linked Data Platform

To interact with a Linked Data Platform as in practical session 3 programmatically, you need to rely on an HTTP library in your programming language. You may use the Apache HTTP Client in Java (which is also a Jena dependency), or URLlib in Python, etc. Instead of using cURL, you send POST requests with appropriate Turtle payload via the programming interfaces.

Write a program that reproduces the steps of practical session 3 (Publishing data on a Linked Data Platform).