JD Prof. Johan Debayle


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Publications of year 2016

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. J. Debayle and B. Presles. Rigid Image Registration by General Adaptive Neighborhood Matching. Pattern Recognition, 55:45-57, 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  2. R. Liu, Q. Miao, B. Huang, J. Song, and J. Debayle. Improved road centerlines extraction in high-resolution remote sensing images using shear transform, directional morphological filtering and enhanced broken lines connection. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 40:300-311, 2016. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. M. De Langlard, H. Al Saddik, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. A multiscale method for shape recognition of overlapping elliptical particles. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, December 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  2. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Caractérisation géométrique par analyse d'image d'un écoulement diphasique dense. In 15ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL), Toulouse, France, September 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  3. S. Mbarek, O. Eterradossi, H. Garay, J. C. Quantin, D. Perrin, P. Dokladal, R. Charriére, J. Faucheu, J. C. Pinoli, J. Debayle, V. Desauziers, and B. Monasse. Effect of recycling and of injection parameters on the aspect of polypropylene injected parts with glossy and rough surfaces. In 32nd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PSS), Lyon, France, July 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  4. B. Presles and J. Debayle. A distance-based shape descriptor invariant to similitude and its application to shape classification. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, December 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  5. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J. Debayle. Estimation of the Shape Variations of the Typical Grain within a Boolean Model. In Workshop on Stochastic Geometry, Stereology and their Applications (SGSA), Sonderborg, Denmark, June 2016. Keyword(s): Boolean model, Covariogram, Minkowski functionals, Steiner formula. [bibtex-entry]
  6. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J Debayle. Modélisation et caractérisation géométriques de cristaux par analyse d'images in situ. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, number 108, 2016. [bibtex-entry]


  1. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Caractérisation géométrique par analyse d'image d'un écoulement diphasique dense. 16èmes Journées Scientifiques de Marcoule (JSM), June 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  2. J. Debayle. Bases géométriques pour l'analyse inclusionnaire. 2ème Journée Métrologie, March 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  3. J. Debayle. Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations. Seminar MORPHEA, Toulouse, France, October 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  4. V. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Debayle, Y. Wazaefi, M. Rahim, C. Gaudy, J. J. Grob, and B. Fertil. Analyse d'images dermoscopiques pour la d'étection précoce du mélanome. Journés scientifiques de cytométrie et d'imagerie (CYTIMA), June 2016. [bibtex-entry]
  5. S. Mbarek, O. Eterradossi, H. Garay, J. C. Quantin, D. Perrin, P. Dokladal, R. Charriére, J. Faucheu, J. C. Pinoli, J. Debayle, V. Desauziers, and B. Monasse. Etude de l'évolution des aspects psychosensoriels de matériaux recyclés en relation avec leurs conditions de mise en forme par injection. 6ème colloque de l'Institut Mines-Télécom : Matériaux : réalités et nouvelles frontières, March 2016. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Fri May 3 10:09:06 2024
Author: debayle

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