IS Prof. Dr. Hab. Jean-Charles PINOLI MINES-TELECOM

Publications of Jean-Charles Pinoli:

Selection by year

2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
2001 201

Selection by category

Books and proceedings Articles in journal or book chapters Conference articles

Selection by keyword

AAdaptive Fuzzy Measure Adaptive Grey-Tone Generalized Metric adaptive image processing
adaptive neighborhood Adaptive Structuring Element aggregate
algebraic models Analyzing Criterion arch detection
BBeer-Lambert Law
CChoquet Filtering clustering method Computer Science
contour detection Contrast convex sets
convexity cristallization
Ddeconvolution Delaunay triangulation Dense transformation.
Differentiation of Gray Tone Functions distance map Distance Transform
FFeature-based registration Fechner Law focus measurement
Frequency spectrogram function of pairs fuzzy measure
Ggeneral adaptive neighborhood General Linear Image Processing generalized metric
grain motion granular media Gray Tone Functions
Gray tone images Gray Tones
Hhorizontal vibrations human brightness perception Human Visual Perception
Iimage analysis image enhancement Image Multiscale Decomposition
image processing image representation image restoration
Image Segmentation Integration of Gray Tone FunctionsLogarithmic Image Processing Intrinsic Scales
LLDA-\alpha-shapes light scattering cross-section Local transformation
logarithmic image processing logarithmic image processing (LIP)
Mmathematical imaging, mathematical morphology microscopy
Minkowski functionals Minkowski maps Modulus Notion
multiscale analysis Musical signals
OOpthalmology optical flow overlapping particles recognition
Ppattern analysis pattern recognition Phase spectrogram
pretopology projected areas
Rradial distribution function Reflected light Retinal images
SSalient corner detection segmentation shape diagram
shape-from-focus size distribution stereology
TTime-frequency representations Transmitted Light
Vvelocity field viscous filtering
WWeber Law

Complete bibliography

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Complete bibliography as a single BIBTEX file



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Last modified: Thu Mar 22 09:46:02 2012
Author: pinoli

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