Appendix II: The Description Logic 𝓕𝓛0 and its extensions

This page defines several description logics that have in common the ability to define concepts (that is, classes of things) based on the type (or class, or concept) of the values in relation to the instances of the class. We start by defining the logic 𝓕𝓛0 as the tuple (Sym𝓕𝓛0, For𝓕𝓛0, Int𝓕𝓛0, ⊨𝓕𝓛0) that we introduce piece by piece in later sections.

We assume all the definitions from the basics of Description Logics are in place, so we only show here the additional or modified definitions.



In addition to the sets B = {‘(’, ‘)’, ‘,’, ⊑}, C of atomic concepts, R of roles, and U of individuals, we add the set Cons𝓕𝓛0 = {∀, ⊓, ⊤, ‘.’} that is assumed disjoint from all other sets.

Symbols of 𝓕𝓛0
The symbols of 𝓕𝓛0 are Sym𝓕𝓛0 = BCRUCons𝓕𝓛0.


Before defining 𝓕𝓛0 formulas, we need to introduce the notion of complex concepts:

Complex 𝓕𝓛0 concepts

The set of complex concepts is the minimal set that contain the following:

Then we can define 𝓕𝓛0 formulas almost exactly as proto-DL formulas except that wherever an atomic concept can be used, so can a complex concept:

formulas of 𝓕𝓛0

The set For𝓕𝓛0 of 𝓕𝓛0 formulas are grouped in three kinds:

We use a light shading on formulas in order to clearly distinguish them from other syntactic constructs.

⊤ ⊑ (C ⊓ ∀P.(D ⊓ D))

Person ⊑ ∀hasParent.Person



Interpretations are identical in all description logics, so we simply assume the same definition as in proto-DL. However, given an interpretation (Δ, 𝓘), we can extend the interpretation function 𝓘 to complex concepts:

Satisfaction relation

The satisfaction relation in 𝓕𝓛0 is defined almost identical to proto-DL, except that every concept is assumed to be a complex concept:

Satisfaction relation in 𝓕𝓛0

An interpretation (Δ, 𝓘) in 𝓕𝓛0 satisfies:

Properties of 𝓕𝓛0

Consistency of 𝓕𝓛0 theories

Every 𝓕𝓛0 theory is consistent.

Let Δ denote the singleton {0} and let 𝓘 be the interpretation function such that for all individual c, 𝓘(c) = 0, for all atomic concept c, 𝓘(r) = {0}, and for all role r, 𝓘(r) = {(0,0)}. We can note that for all complex concept C, 𝓘(C) = {0}, and therefore, 𝓘 satisfies every concept inclusion, every concept assertion and every role assertion in 𝓔𝓛.

Complexity of the entailment problem in 𝓕𝓛0

In 𝓕𝓛0, the entailment problem is decidable in exponential time with respect to the size of the input theory and formula.

Extensions of 𝓕𝓛0

Simple description logics can be extended in different ways: by adding more constructors for complex concepts (that is, augmenting the set of symbols ConsL that can be used to create complex concepts); by adding new types of formulas; by adding constructs for complex roles.

The description logic 𝓕𝓛

The logic 𝓕𝓛 = (Sym𝓕𝓛, For𝓕𝓛, Int𝓕𝓛, ⊨𝓕𝓛) is defined as follows:

With the new construct ⊥, 𝓕𝓛 can express the disjointness of concepts, such as Star ⊓ Planet ⊑ ⊥. This can lead to inconsistencies: for instance, the formula ⊤ ⊑ ⊥ is unsatisfiable.

The description logic 𝓕𝓛

The logic 𝓕𝓛 = (Sym𝓕𝓛, For𝓕𝓛, Int𝓕𝓛, ⊨𝓕𝓛) is defined as follows:

Note that the symbol ¬ can only be used in front of a concept name, not before an arbitrary complex concept. This limits the expressiveness of the logic.

The description logic 𝓐𝓛

The logic 𝓐𝓛 = (Sym𝓐𝓛, For𝓐𝓛, Int𝓐𝓛, ⊨𝓐𝓛) is defined as follows:

𝓐𝓛 is often considered as the archetypical description logic, from which others are defined. Starting from 𝓐𝓛, we can build a large family of DLs by adding selected features in a set of syntactic constructs. Each construct is assigned a letter that can be concatenated to 𝓐𝓛 to form the name of a particular DL (for instance 𝓐𝓛𝓒𝓘𝓞 combines the constructs of 𝓐𝓛 with general concept complement, inverse roles, and nominals).

The table below summarises some classical constructs of the 𝓐𝓛 family, grouped in three categories: concept constructs are new syntactic features that can make new kinds of complex concepts; role constructs are syntactic features than can make complex roles; axiom constructs are new types of formulas. The semantics of concept and role constructs is defined as the interpretation of complex concepts and roles in function of a DL interpretation; the semantics of new types of formulas is given as conditions on interpretations to satisfy the formulas.

List of description logic constructs and their formal semantics. In this table, c and d always denote complex concepts, r and s denote complex roles, a denotes an individual, and n is a natural number.
Concept constructs
𝓐 Value restriction (already in 𝓐𝓛) r.c {x ∈ Δ | for all y ∈ Δ such that (x, y) ∈ 𝓘(r), y ∈ 𝓘(c)}
𝓔 General existential quantification r.c {x ∈ Δ | there exists y ∈ c such that (x, y) ∈ 𝓘(r)}
𝓤 Concept disjunction c ⊔ d 𝓘(c) ⋃ 𝓘(c)
𝓒 General concept complement ¬c Δ \ 𝓘(c)
𝓞 Nominal {a} {𝓘(a)}
𝓝 Cardinality restriction n.r {x ∈ Δ | card({y ∈ Δ | (x, y) ∈ 𝓘(r)}) ≤ n
n.r {x ∈ Δ | card({y ∈ Δ | (x, y) ∈ 𝓘(r)}) ≥ n
𝓠 Qualified cardinality restriction n.r.c {x ∈ Δ | card({y ∈ 𝓘(c) | (x, y) ∈ 𝓘(r)}) ≤ n}
n.r.c {x ∈ Δ | card({y ∈ 𝓘(c) | (x, y) ∈ 𝓘(r)}) ≥ n}
Role constructs
𝓘 Inverse role r {(x, y) ∈ Δ × Δ | (y, x) ∈ 𝓘(r)}
(⋂) Role conjunction r ⊓r s 𝓘(r) ⋂ 𝓘(s)
(⋃) Role disjunction r ⊔r s 𝓘(r) ⋃ 𝓘(s)
(¬) Role complement ¬rr Δ × Δ \ 𝓘(r)
Additional axioms
𝓕 Role functionality ⊤ ⊑ ≤1.r if (x, y) ∈ 𝓘(r) and (x, z) ∈ 𝓘(r) then x = z
𝓗 Role hierarchy r ⊑r s 𝓘(r) ⊆ 𝓘(s)
𝓢 𝓐𝓛𝓒 + Role transitivity Trans(r) if (x, y) ∈ 𝓘(r) and (y, z) ∈ 𝓘(r) then (x, z) ∈ 𝓘(r)
𝓡 Role chain r1 ∘ … ∘ rn ⊑r s if (x, y1) ∈ 𝓘(r1), …, (yi, yi+1) ∈ 𝓘(ri+1), … then (x, yn) ∈ 𝓘(s)

Note that 𝓢 is used as a shortcut for 𝓐𝓛𝓒 + transitivity, so the logic 𝓢𝓗𝓘 denotes the DL that has general complement, role transitivity, role hierarchy, and role inverse.

Role constructs in parenthesis are added at the end of the name, all in one pair of parentheses: 𝓐𝓛𝓒(⋂,⋃).

Some constructs subsume others. In particular, 𝓠 subsumes 𝓝, 𝓝 subsumes 𝓕, 𝓔𝓒 subsumes 𝓐, 𝓐𝓒 subsumes 𝓔, 𝓐𝓛𝓒 subsumes 𝓤𝓔, 𝓡 subsumes 𝓢𝓗, (¬,⋂) subsumes (⋃), and (¬,⋃) subsumes (⋂).