Web Intelligence Summer School 2014

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Web Intelligence in Rhône Alpes following project Web Intelligence

From 25th to 29th August 2014, Saint-Étienne, France

Supported by the French-German University/Soutenue par l'université franco-allemande/Unterstützt von der Deutsch-Französische Hochschule

Working with Wikidata: A Hands-on Guide for Researchers and Developers

The keynote slides and tutorial are available from Markus Krötzsch's website. We have a local copy of the slides. A description of the Wikidata Toolkit is available from the Mediawiki web site. The Wikidata Toolkit can be found on Github, and we have a local copy of it (as of 8th September 2014). Guidelines for configuring Eclipse to make it work more easily are found on the Mediawiki web site. The code written in the session is in the file WISS2014-TutorialDocumentProcessor.java (local copy). The complete tutorial and keynote is available as a zip file.