JD Prof. Johan Debayle


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All publications of J. Debayle:

  1. Y. Gavet and J. Debayle. Image Processing Tutorials with Python. Spartacus-Idh, 2019. [bibtex-key = debayle:python:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  2. J. C. Pinoli, J. Debayle, Y. Gavet, F. Gruy, and C. Lambert, editors. Tenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, volume 8000, 2011. SPIE. [bibtex-key = pinoli:spie:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  3. J. Debayle. Adaptive Processing and Analysis of Images and Patterns. Habilitation thesis (HdR), Université Jean-Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France, January 2012. Keyword(s): adaptive image processing, Choquet filtering, general adaptive neighborhood, image representation, multiscale analysis. [bibtex-key = debayle:hdr:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  4. J. Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing. PhD thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Saint-Etienne, France, November 2005. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, multiscale analysis, mathematical morphology, analyzing criterion, Choquet filtering, algebraic models, logarithmic image processing. [bibtex-key = debayle:phd:2005] [bibtex-entry]
  5. J. Debayle. Image Processing for Coal Faces of Tunnels. MSc thesis, Université Jean-Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France, September 2002. Keyword(s): mathematical morphology, squeletonization. [bibtex-key = debayle:msc:2002] [bibtex-entry]
  6. A. Bouchot, A. Ferrieux, J. Debayle, G. Mollon, and S. Descartes. Can Machine Learning Predict Friction from Third Body Morphology?. Tribology International, 2024. Note: Accepted paper. [bibtex-key = bouchot:ti:2024] [bibtex-entry]
  7. L. Théodon, C. Coufort-Saudejaud, and J. Debayle. A stochastic model based on Gaussian random fields to characterize the morphology of granular objects. Pattern Recognition, 149:110255, 2024. [bibtex-key = theodon:pr:2024] [bibtex-entry]
  8. I. Al Saidi, M. Rziza, and J. Debayle. Completed homogeneous LBP for remote sensing image classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(12):3815-3836, 2023. [bibtex-key = alsaidi:ijrs:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  9. K. Dia, F. Lamadie, and J. Debayle. Retrieving mean volumetric properties of multiphase flows from 2D images: A new approach combining deep learning algorithms and 3D modelling. Chemical Engineering Science, 279(118933):1-12, 2023. [bibtex-key = dia:ces:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  10. A Kumar, J. Debayle, and J. Zhang. Special Section Guest Editorial: Exploration of Vigorous Privacy Preserving Models using Deep Learning in Digital Media. Advances in Multimedia, 2023. [bibtex-key = debayle:jei:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  11. D.-W. Prabowo, H. Nugroho, N.-A. Setiawan, and J. Debayle. A systematic literature review of emotion recognition using EEG signals. Cognitive Systems Research, 82(11152), 2023. [bibtex-key = prabowo:CSR:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  12. D.-W. Prabowo, N.-A. Setiawan, J. Debayle, and H. Nugroho. Asymmetric Windowing Recurrence Plots on Input Formulation for Human Emotion Recognition. TechRxiv, December 2023. [bibtex-key = bowo:techrxiv:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  13. M. Prioux, E. Da Rosa Silva, M. Hubert, J. Vulliet, J. Debayle, P. Cloetens, and J. Laurencin. Numerical Microstructural Optimization for the Hydrogen Electrode of Solid Oxide Cells. Fuel Cells, 2023. [bibtex-key = prioux:fc:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  14. L. Théodon, C. Coufort-Saudejaud, and J. Debayle. GRAPE: A stochastic geometrical 3d model for aggregates of particles with tunable 2d morphological projected properties. Image Analysis and Stereology, 42(1):1-16, 2023. [bibtex-key = theodon:ias:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  15. L. Théodon, J. Debayle, and C. Coufort-Saudejaud. Morphological characterization of aggregates and agglomerates by image analysis: A systematic literature review. Powder Technology, 430(119033):1-23, 2023. [bibtex-key = theodon:pt:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  16. A. Abaza, J. Laurencin, A. Nakajo, Meille S, J. Debayle, and Leguillon D.. Prediction of crack nucleation and propagation in porous ceramics using the phase-field approach. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 119(103349):1-15, 2022. [bibtex-key = abazaa:tafm:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  17. A. Bouchot, A. Ferrieux-Paquet, G. Mollon, S. Descartes, and J. Debayle. Segmentation and morphological analysis of wear track/particles images using machine learning. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 31(5(051605)), 2022. [bibtex-key = debayle:jei:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  18. J. Debayle, W. Osten, and D. Nikolaev. Special Section Guest Editorial: Machine Vision - Systems, Methods, and Applications. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 31(5):051601, 2022. [bibtex-key = debayle:jei:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  19. D.K. Jain, J. Debayle, L. Zhang, V. Di Maio, and I.A. Ansari. Special Section Guest Editorial: Image and Video Manipulation - Challenges and Solutions. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 31(5):051401, 2022. [bibtex-key = jain:jei:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  20. L. Théodon, J. Laurencin, M. Hubert, P. Cloetens, and J. Debayle. A stochastic geometrical 3D model for time evolution simulation of microstructures in SOC-electrodes. Computational Materials Science, 212(111568):1-10, 2022. [bibtex-key = theodon:cms:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  21. A. Kumar, I. Fister Jr., P.-K. Gupta, J. Debayle, Z.-J. Zhang, and M. Usman. , chapter Preface: 3rd International Conference on Neural Networks, Information and Communication Engineering (NNICE), pages 1-2. Guangzhou, China, 2022. [bibtex-key = kumar:nnice:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  22. A. Bouchot, A. Ferrieux, J. Debayle, G. Mollon, and S. Descartes. Image processing applied to tribological dry contact analysis. Wear, 2021. Note: In Press. [bibtex-key = bouchot:wear:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  23. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Bayesian inference of a parametric random spheroid from its orthogonal projection. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 23:549-567, 2021. [bibtex-key = delanglard:mcap:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  24. J. Debayle, V. Gotovac Dogas, K. Helisova, J. Stanek, and M. Zikmundova. Assessing Similarity of Random sets via Skeletons. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 23:471-490, 2021. [bibtex-key = debayle:mcap:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  25. T. Eremina, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Local measures distribution for the estimation of the elongation ratio of the typical grain in homogeneous Boolean models. Image Analysis and Stereology, 40:95-103, 2021. [bibtex-key = eremina:ias:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  26. A.S. Ibtissam, M. Rziza, and J. Debayle. A novel texture descriptor: circular parts local binary pattern. Image Analysis and Stereology, 40:105-114, 2021. [bibtex-key = ibtissam:ias:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  27. M. M. Javier, C. C. Galvan, Lopez R. L., and J. Debayle. On the properties of some adaptive morphological filters for salt and pepper noise removal. Image Analysis and Stereology, 40:29-38, 2021. [bibtex-key = marisol:ias:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  28. A. Nugroho, R. Hidayat, H. A. Nugroho, and J. Debayle. Ultrasound object detection using morphological region-based active contour: an application system. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 29(4):412-430, 2021. [bibtex-key = nugroho:ijil:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  29. L. Théodon, T. Eremina, K. Dia, F. Lamadie, J.-C. Pinoli, and J. Debayle. Estimating the parameters of a stochastic geometrical model for multiphase flow images using local measures. Image Analysis and Steroleogy, 40(3):115-125, 2021. [bibtex-key = theodon:ias:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  30. H. Moussaoui, J. Debayle, Y. Gavet, P. Cloetens, and J. Laurencin. Particle-based model for functional and diffusion layers of solid oxide cells electrodes. Powder Technology, 367:67-81, 2020. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:pt:2020] [bibtex-entry]
  31. A. Nugroho, R. Hidayat, H. A. Nugroho, and J. Debayle. Combinatorial active contour bilateral filter for ultrasound image segmentation. SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging, 7(5):057003, 2020. [bibtex-key = nugroho:jmi:2020] [bibtex-entry]
  32. J. Debayle. Geometrical and morphometrical tools for the inclusion analysis of metallic alloys. Metallurgical Research and Technology, 116(508):1-10, 2019. [bibtex-key = debayle:mrt:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  33. E. Effori, H. Moussaoui, F. Monaco, R. Sharma, J. Debayle, Y. Gavet, G. Delette, G. Si Larbi, E. Siebert, J. Vulliet, L. Dessemond, and J. Laurencin. Reaction mechanism and impact of microstructure on performances for the LSCF-CGO composite electrode in Solid Oxide Cells. Fuel Cells, 19(4):429-444, 2019. [bibtex-key = effori:fc:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  34. N. Hatami, Y. Gavet, and J. Debayle. Bag of Recurrence Patterns Representation for Time-Series Classification. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 22(3):877-887, 2019. [bibtex-key = hatami:paaa:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  35. H. Moussaoui, J. Laurencin, M. Hubert, R. Sharma, P. Cloetens, G. Delette, Y. Gavet, and J. Debayle. Stochastic Geometrical and Microstructural Modeling for Solid Oxide Cell Electrodes. ECS Transactions, 91(1):2031-2043, 2019. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:ecs:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  36. H. Moussaoui, R. Sharma, J. Debayle, Y. Gavet, G. Delette, and J. Laurencin. Microstructural correlations for specific surface area and triple phase boundary length for composite electrodes of solid oxide cells. Journal of Power Sources, 412:736-748, 2019. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:jps:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  37. M. De Langlard, H. Al Saddik, S. Charton, J. Debayle, and F. Lamadie. An efficiency improved recognition algorithm for highly overlapping ellipses: Application to dense bubbly flows. Pattern Recognition Letters, 101:88-95, 2018. [bibtex-key = delanglard:prl:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  38. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. A 3D stochastic model for geometrical characterization of particles in two-phase flow applications. Image Analysis and Stereology, 37(3):233-247, 2018. [bibtex-key = delanglard:ias:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  39. H. Moussaoui, J. Laurencin, Y. Gavet, G. Delette, M. Hubert, P. Cloetens, T. Le Bihan, and J. Debayle. Stochastic geometrical modeling of solid oxide cells electrodes validated on 3D reconstructions. Computational Materials Science, 143:262-276, 2018. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:cms:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  40. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J. Debayle. Description of the the symmetric convex random closed sets as zonotopes from their Feret's diameters. Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, 3(4):325-364, 2017. [bibtex-key = rahmani:msta:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  41. J. Debayle and B. Presles. Rigid Image Registration by General Adaptive Neighborhood Matching. Pattern Recognition, 55:45-57, 2016. [bibtex-key = debayle:pr:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  42. R. Liu, Q. Miao, B. Huang, J. Song, and J. Debayle. Improved road centerlines extraction in high-resolution remote sensing images using shear transform, directional morphological filtering and enhanced broken lines connection. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 40:300-311, 2016. [bibtex-key = liu:jvcir:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  43. V. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Debayle, Y. Wazaefi, M. Rahim, C. Gaudy, J. J. Grob, and B. Fertil. Texture descriptors based on adaptive neighborhoods for classification of pigmented skin lesions. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 24(6):061104/1-9, 2015. [bibtex-key = gonzalez:jei:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  44. Y. Gavet, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Color Image and Video Enhancement, chapter The Color Logarithmic Image Processing (CoLIP) antagonist space with application to image enhancement, pages 1-28. Springer, 2015. Note: Book Chapter. Keyword(s): color image processing, color space, logarithmic image processing, image enhancement. [bibtex-key = gavet:cive:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  45. Y. Gavet, M. Fernandes, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Dissimilarity criteria and their comparison for quantitative evaluation of image segmentation. Application to human retina vessels. Machine Vision and Applications, 25(8):1953-1966, 2014. Keyword(s): image segmentation, quantitative evaluation, segmentation evaluation, dissimilarity criteria, retinal blood vessels. [bibtex-key = gavet:mvap:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  46. V. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Color adaptive neighborhood mathematical morphology and its application to pixel-level classification. Pattern Recognition Letters, 47(1):50-62, 2014. Keyword(s): mathematical morphology, general adaptive neighborhood, classification, color spaces, neural networks, integral geometry, Minkowski functionals. [bibtex-key = prl:2014:gonzalez] [bibtex-entry]
  47. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Adaptive shape diagrams for multiscale morphometrical image analysis. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 49(1):51-68, 2014. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology, multiscale analysis, pattern analysis, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = rivollier:jmiv:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  48. W. Shi, Z. Miao, and J. Debayle. An Integrated Method for Urban Main Road Centreline Extraction from Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(6):3359-3372, 2014. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, multispectral imaging, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:ieeegrs:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  49. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. Advances in Low-Level Color Image Processing, chapter Spatially Adaptive Color Image Processing, pages 195-222. Springer, 2014. Note: Book Chapter. Keyword(s): adaptive image processing, color image processing, Choquet filtering, general adaptive neighborhood, image enhancement, image restoration, image segmentation, mathematical morphology. [bibtex-key = debayle:springer:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  50. L Dubuis, P. Y. Rohan, S. Avril, P. Badel, and J. Debayle. Computational Biomechanics for Medicine, chapter Patient-Specific Computational Models: Tools for Improving the Efficiency of Medical Compression Stockings, pages 25-37. Springer, 2013. Note: Book Chapter. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:cbm:2013] [bibtex-entry]
  51. O. Ahmad, J. Debayle, N. Gherras, B. Presles, G. Fevotte, and J. C. Pinoli. Quantification of overlapping polygonal-shaped particles based on a new segmentation method of in situ images during crystallization. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 21(2):1-12, 2012. Keyword(s): crystallization, clustering, overlapping particles, salient corner detection, particle size distribution, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = ahmad:jei:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  52. L. Dubuis, S. Avril, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. Identification of the material parameters of soft tissues in the compressed leg. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 15(1):3-12, 2012. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:cmbbe:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  53. M. Lagarrigue, S. Jacquier, J. Debayle, and F. Pinoli J. C.and Gruy. Approximation for the light scattering cross section of optically hard aggregates. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 113(9):704-714, 2012. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, light scattering cross-section, aggregate. [bibtex-key = laguarrigue:jqsrt:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  54. J. C. Pinoli and J. Debayle. Adaptive Generalized Metrics, Distance Maps and Nearest Neighbor Transforms on Gray Tone Images. Pattern Recognition, 45:2758-2768, 2012. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, distance maps, generalized metrics. [bibtex-key = pinoli:pr:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  55. J. C. Pinoli and J. Debayle. Spatially and intensity adaptive morphology. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 6(7):820-829, 2012. Note: Special Issue on Filtering and Segmentation in Mathematical Morphology. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, image enhancement, image restoration, mathematical morphology, semi-flat morphology, stack filtering, viscous filtering. [bibtex-key = pinoli:jstsp:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  56. B. Presles, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Size and shape estimation of 3-D convex objects from their 2-D projections. Application to crystallization processes. Journal of Microscopy, 248(2):140-155, 2012. Keyword(s): crystallization, pattern analysis, pattern recognition, projected areas, shape diagram, particle size distribution, stereology. [bibtex-key = presles:jmicro:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  57. O. Ahmad, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. A geometric-based method for recognizing overlapping polygonal-shaped and semi-transparent particles in gray tone images. Pattern Recognition Letters, 32(15):2068-2079, 2011. Keyword(s): salient corner detection, contour detection, clustering method, overlapping particles. [bibtex-key = ahmad:prl:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  58. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. General Adaptive Neighborhood-based Pretopological Image Filtering. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 41(3):210-221, 2011. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, image enhancement, image restoration, pretopology, viscous filtering. [bibtex-key = debayle:jmiv:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  59. S. Avril, P. Badel, L. Dubuis, J. Debayle, S. Couzan, and J. F. Pouget. Patient-Specific Modeling in Tomorrow's Medicine, chapter Patient specific modeling in venous deficiency. Springer-Verlag, 2011. Note: Book Chapter. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = avril:springer:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  60. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, volume 167, chapter Theory and Applications of General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing, pages 121-183. Elsevier, 2011. Note: Book Chapter. Keyword(s): adaptive fuzzy measure, adaptive grey-tone generalized metric, adaptive structuring element, analyzing criterion, Choquet filtering, distance transform, general adaptive neighborhood, general linear image processing, human visual perception, image enhancement, image multiscale decomposition, image restoration, image segmentation, intrinsic scales, mathematical morphology, transmitted light. [bibtex-key = debayle:aiep:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  61. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. Applied Biomedical Engineering, chapter General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing for Biomedical Applications, pages 481-500. InTech, 2011. Note: Book Chapter. Keyword(s): adaptive image processing, Choquet filtering, general adaptive neighborhood, image enhancement, image restoration, image segmentation, mathematical morphology. [bibtex-key = debayle:intech:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  62. J. Pourchez, B. Ruot, J. Debayle, E. Pourchez, and P. Grosseau. Some aspects of cellulose ethers influence on water transport and porous structure of cement-based materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 40(2):242-252, 2010. Keyword(s): multiscale analysis, size distribution. [bibtex-key = pourchez:ccr:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  63. B. Presles, J. Debayle, G. Fevotte, and J. C. Pinoli. A novel image analysis method for in-situ monitoring the particle size distribution of batch crystallization processes. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 19(3):1-7, 2010. Note: Special Section on Quality Control by Artificial Vision. Keyword(s): crystallization, deconvolution, pattern analysis, segmentation, particle size distribution. [bibtex-key = presles:jei:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  64. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Integral Geometry and General Adaptive Neighborhood for Multiscale Image Analysis. International Journal of Signal and Image Processing, 1(3):141-150, 2010. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, Minkowski functionals, Minkowski maps, multiscale analysis. [bibtex-key = rivollier:ijsip:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  65. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Shape diagrams for 2D compact sets - Part I: analytic convex sets. Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 7(2-3):1-27, 2010. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = rivollier:jipam1:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  66. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Shape diagrams for 2D compact sets - Part II: analytic simply connected sets. Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 7(2-4):1-21, 2010. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = rivollier:jipam2:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  67. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Shape diagrams for 2D compact sets - Part III: convexity discrimination for analytic and discretized simply connected sets. Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 7(2-5):1-18, 2010. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = rivollier:jipam3:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  68. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. General Adaptive Neighborhood Choquet Image Filtering. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 35(3):173-185, November 2009. Keyword(s): Choquet filtering, fuzzy measure, general adaptive neighborhood, image restoration. [bibtex-key = debayle:jmiv:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  69. J. Debayle, A. Raihane, A. Belhaoua, O. Bonnefoy, G. Thomas, J. M. Chaix, and J. C. Pinoli. Velocity field computation in vibrated granular media using an optical flow based multiscale image analysis method. Image Analysis and Stereology, 28:35-43, March 2009. Keyword(s): grain motion, granular media, horizontal vibrations, multiscale analysis, optical flow, velocity field. [bibtex-key = debayle:ias:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  70. J. C. Pinoli and J. Debayle. Logarithmic Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing (LANIP): Introduction, Connections to Human Brightness Perception and Application Issues. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2007(Article ID 36105):1-22, 2007. Note: Special Issue on Image Perception. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology, logarithmic image processing. [bibtex-key = pinoli:jasp:2007] [bibtex-entry]
  71. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing - Part I: Introduction and Theoretical Aspects. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 25(2):245-266, September 2006. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology, algebraic models, logarithmic image processing. [bibtex-key = debayle:jmiv1:2006] [bibtex-entry]
  72. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing - Part II: Practical Application Examples. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 25(2):267-284, September 2006. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology, algebraic models, logarithmic image processing. [bibtex-key = debayle:jmiv2:2006] [bibtex-entry]
  73. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. Spatially Adaptive Morphological Image Filtering using Intrinsic Structuring Elements. Image Analysis and Stereology, 24(3):145-158, November 2005. Keyword(s): adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology. [bibtex-key = debayle:ias:2005] [bibtex-entry]
  74. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In International Summit on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, Florence, Italy, March 2024. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:isaset:2024] [bibtex-entry]
  75. L. Théodon, C. Saudejaud, and J. Debayle. A stochastic 3D model based on random graphs to characterize the morphology of compact aggregates using image analysis. In IEEE International Conference on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), Marrakech, Morocco, May 2024. [bibtex-key = theodon:isivc:2024] [bibtex-entry]
  76. Preface. In 3rd International Conference on Neural Networks, Information and Communication Engineering (NNICE), pages 1-2, 2023. IEEE. [bibtex-key = debayle:nnice:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  77. A. Bottenmuller, L. Théodon, J. Debayle, D.T. Vélez, M. Tourbin, C. Frances, and Y. Gavet. Granulometric Analysis of Maltodextrin Particles Observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy. In 13th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS), 2023. [bibtex-key = bottenmuller:icprs:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  78. A. Bottenmuller, L. Théodon, J. Debayle, D.T. Vélez, M. Tourbin, C. Frances, and Y. Gavet. Une approche pour l’analyse granulométrique de particules condensées sur des images en niveaux de gris. In Conference of GRETSI, Grenoble, France, August 2023. [bibtex-key = bottenmuller:gretsi:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  79. D.-W. Prabowo, H. Nugroho, N.-A. Setiawan, and J. Debayle. An Advanced Data Augmentation Scheme on Limited EEG Signals for Human Emotion Recognition. In Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics (ICEBEHI), Surabaya, Indonesia, pages 391-409, October 2023. [bibtex-key = prabowo:icebehi:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  80. L. Théodon, C. Coufort-Saudejaud, A. Hamieh, and J. Debayle. Morphological characterization of compact aggregates using image analysis and a geometrical stochastic 3D model. In 13th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS), Guyaquil, Ecuador, pages 1-7, July 2023. [bibtex-key = theodon:icprs:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  81. L. Théodon, K. Dia, J. Debayle, and F. Lamadie. STORMFLOW: a STOchastic geometRical model for Multiphase FLOW characterization. In 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Kobe, Japan, April 2023. [bibtex-key = theodon:icmf:2023] [bibtex-entry]
  82. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (ICAIDS), Online, March 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:icaids:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  83. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Data Engineering (ICCIDE), Vijawayada, India, August 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:iccide:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  84. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In International Symposium on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering (RAIIE), Huhehot, China, July 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:raiie:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  85. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In IEEE 9th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT), Sfax, Tunisia, May 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:setit:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  86. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computer Simulation (AMMCS), Wuhan, China, August 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:ammcs:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  87. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPRA), Rome, Italy, October 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:spra:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  88. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Science, Electronic Information Engineering and Intelligent Control Technology (CEI), September 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:ice:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  89. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), Male, Maldives, November 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:iceccme:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  90. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image and video analysis of granular media. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, June 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:aics:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  91. J. Debayle. Image acquisition and analysis for the control of crystallization processes. In Edition on Laser, Optics and Photonics Virtual (V-LASER), Online, April 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:vlaser:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  92. J. Debayle, L. Théodon, and J. Laurencin. Stochastic geometrical modeling of SOC electrode microstructures. In 2nd Edition of International Conference onMaterials Science And Engineering (MATERIALS), Online, March 2022. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:materials:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  93. K. Dia, F. Lamadie, and J. Debayle. Using deep learning to retrieve 3D geometrical characteristics of a particle field from 2D projected images: Application to multiphase flows. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS), Saint-Etienne, France, June 2022. [bibtex-key = dia:icprs:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  94. R. Lima, S Rahmani, J. Debayle, E. Serris, and A. Cameirao. From monitoring to kinetics of a semi-batch crystallization process. In Cristallisation et Précipitation Industrielles (CRISTAL), Lyon, France, June 2022. [bibtex-key = lima:cristal:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  95. L. Théodon, J. Laurencin, P. Cloetens, and J. Debayle. A stochastic 3D model for three-phase heterogeneous microstructures in SOFC-electrodes. In IEEE International Conference on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), El Jadida, Morocco, May 2022. [bibtex-key = theodon:icprs:2022] [bibtex-entry]
  96. A. Bouchot, A. Ferrieux-Paquet, J. Debayle, G. Mollon, and S. Descartes. Dry friction analysis: A correlative study between rheology and third body morphology. In 7th World Tribology Congress (WTC), Lyon, France, September 2021. [bibtex-key = bouchot:wtc:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  97. A. Bouchot, A. Ferrieux-Paquet, J. Debayle, G. Mollon, and S. Descartes. Image processing applied to tribological dry contact analysis. In 23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials (WoM), Online, April 2021. [bibtex-key = bouchot:wom:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  98. A. Bouchot, A. Ferrieux-Paquet, S. Descartes, G. Mollon, and J. Debayle. Towards a quantitative characterization of wear particles using image analysis and machine learning. In SPIE International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV), volume 1179416, Tokushima, Japan, pages 1-7, May 2021. [bibtex-key = bouchot:qcav:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  99. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Estimation of 3D geometrical properties of spheroid-like particle systemsusing projection images. In IEEE International Conference on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), Saint-Etienne, France, April 2021. [bibtex-key = delanglard:isivc:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  100. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image analysis of granular media. In 3rd International Conference on Advances in Signal processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI), Porto, Portugal, November 2021. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:aspai:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  101. J. Debayle. Digital twins for image analysis of granular media. In 2nd Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPRA), Larissa, Greece, November 2021. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:spra:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  102. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of granular media. In Conference Sciences et Technologie des Poudres et Mat eriaux Frittés (STPMF), Saint-Etienne, France, July 2021. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:stpmf:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  103. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of granular media for energy, power and chemical engineering systems. In International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), Cape Town, South Africa, December 2021. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:icecet:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  104. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. In IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), Waknaghat, India, November 2021. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:iciip:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  105. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. Applications to process and chemical engineering. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS), Curico, Chile, March 2021. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:icprs:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  106. J. Debayle. Morphological image processing for remote sensing applications. In International Conference on Computer, Remote Sensing and Aerospace (CRSA), Tokyo, Japan, July 2021. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:crsa:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  107. J. Debayle, V. Gotovac Dogas, K. Helisova, and J. Stanek. Methods for assessing similarity of random sets. In IEEE International Conference on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), Saint-Etienne, France, April 2021. [bibtex-key = debayle:isivc:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  108. J. Debayle, H. Moussaoui, Y. Gavet, G. Delette, M. Hubert, P. Cloetens, and J. Laurencin. 3D geometrical characterization and modeling of solid oxide cells electrodes microstructure by image analysis. In Journées de la Fédération de Recherche Hydrogène (FRH2), Online, June 2021. [bibtex-key = debayle:frh2:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  109. T. Eremina, J. Debayle, F. Gruy, and J. C. Pinoli. Sensitivity of the local measures to deviations of the typical grain shape in Boolean models. In 13th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA), Saint-Etienne, France, June 2021. [bibtex-key = eremina:ecsia:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  110. T. Eremina, J. Debayle, and J.-C. Pinoli. Numerical estimation of local Minkowski measures on Boolean models. In IEEE International Conference on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), Saint-Etienne, France, April 2021. [bibtex-key = eremina:isivc:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  111. A.S. Ibtissam, M. Rziza, and J. Debayle. A novel texture descriptor: Homogeneous Rotated Local Binary Pattern (HRLBP). In IEEE International Conference on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), Saint-Etienne, France, April 2021. [bibtex-key = alsaidi:isivc:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  112. S. Rahmani, R. De Souza Lima, A. Cameirao, E. Serris, and J. Debayle. Particles detection in a 2D-image of overlapping crystals based on community detection. In 13th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA), Saint-Etienne, France, June 2021. [bibtex-key = rahmani:ecsia:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  113. E.D.R. Silva, M. Hubert, B. Morel, H. Moussaoui, J. Debayle, and J. Laurencin. A Dynamic Multi-Scale Model for Solid Oxide Cells Validated on Local Current Measurements: Impact of Global Cell Operation on the Electrodes Reaction Mechanisms. In ECS Transactions, volume MA2021-03, Online, July 2021. [bibtex-key = silva:ecs:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  114. I. Al Saidi, M. Rziza, and J. Debayle. A new texture descriptor: the Homogeneous Local Binary Pattern (HLBP). In 9th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, 2020. [bibtex-key = alsaidi:icisp:2020] [bibtex-entry]
  115. N. Elloumi, J. Debayle, H Loukil, and M.S. Bouhlel. A locally weighted metric for measuring the perceptual quality of 3D objects. In 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2020), 2020. [bibtex-key = elloumi:isda:2020] [bibtex-entry]
  116. J. Debayle. Digital twins and image analysis for the morphological characterization of granular media. In SPIE International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:icmv:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  117. J. Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing (GANIP). In SPIE/IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI), Burlingame, California, USA, 2019. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:ei:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  118. J. Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing and Analysis (GANIPA). In SPIE International Symposium on Defense + Commercial Sensing (DCS), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2019. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:dcs:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  119. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. In International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 2019. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:icst:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  120. J. Debayle. Mathematical image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. In International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (CIMA), Puebla, Mexico, 2019. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:cima:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  121. T. Eremina, J. Debayle, F. Gruy, and J.C. Pinoli. Local Minkowski measures for random set geometrical characterization. In International Conference on Stereology and Image analysis (ICSIA), Aarhus, Denmark, 2019. [bibtex-key = eremina:icsia:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  122. H. Moussaoui, J. Laurencin, M. Hubert, R.K. Sharma, P. Cloetens, G. Delette, Y. Gavet, and J. Debayle. Stochastic Geometrical and Microstructural Modeling for Solid Oxide Cell Electrodes. In International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), ECS Transactions, Kyoto, Japan, 2019. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:sofc:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  123. A. Nugroho, R. Hidayat, H. Nugroho, and J. Debayle. Cancerous Object Detection Using Morphological Region-based Active Contour in Ultrasound Images. In 8th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Semarang, Indonesia, October 2019. [bibtex-key = nugroho:eic:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  124. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. 3D modeling of a population of particles from 2D silhouette images of two-phase flows. In International Conference on Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry (S4G), Prague, Czech Republic, June 2018. [bibtex-key = delanglard:s4g:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  125. J. Debayle. Geometrical tools for inclusion analysis in metal alloys. In National Conference on Materials, Strasbourg, France, 2018. [bibtex-key = debayle:materiaux:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  126. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. In IEEE International Conference on the Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunication (SETIT), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2018. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:setit:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  127. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. In IEEE International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), Rabat, Morocco, 2018. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:isivc:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  128. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. In SPIE International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV), Munich, Germany, 2018. Note: Invited Talk. [bibtex-key = debayle:icmv:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  129. H. Moussaoui, F. Monaco, R. Sharma, J Debayle, G. Delette, Y. Gavet, M. Hubert, P. Cloetens, E. Siebert, J. Vulliet, F. Lefebvre-Joud, and J. Laurencin. Understanding the impact of microstructure on SOC reaction mechanisms: Illustration on LSCF and LSCF-CGO electrodes. In European Fuel Cell Forum (EFCF), Lucerne, Switzerland, 2018. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:efcf:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  130. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Characterisation of Two-Phase Flows Through Image Processing Methods and Stochastic Geometry. In 19th workshop on Stochastic Geometry, Stereology and Image Analysis (SGSIA), Marseille, France, May 2017. [bibtex-key = delanglard:sgsia:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  131. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Geometrical Characterization of Bubbly Flows: Comparison of Image Analysis and Stochastic Geometry. In 12th European Congress of Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA), Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 2017. [bibtex-key = delanglard:ecsia:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  132. N. Hatami, Y. Gavet, and J. Debayle. Classification of time-series images using deep convolutional neural networks. In International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV), Vienna, Austria, November 2017. [bibtex-key = hatami:icmv:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  133. F. Lamadie, S. Charton, J. Debayle, M. De Langlard, F. Onofri, M. Ouattara, and M. Sentis. Optical Diagnostics for Multiphase Flows Characterization. In Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, August 2017. [bibtex-key = lamadie:fedsm:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  134. H. Moussaoui, J. Debayle, G. Delette, Y. Gavet, M. Hubert, P. Cloetens, and J. Laurencin. 3D morphological modeling and validation for optimization of SOCs electrode microstructures. In 14th Symposium on Fuel Cell and Battery Modelling and Experimental Validation (ModVal), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 2017. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:modval:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  135. H. Moussaoui, J. Debayle, Y. Gavet, G. Delette, M. Hubert, P. Cloetens, and J. Laurencin. 3D geometrical characterization and modelling of solid oxide cells electrodes microstructure by image analysis. In 13th IEEE/SPIE International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV), Tokyo, Japan, May 2017. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:qcav:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  136. M. De Langlard, H. Al Saddik, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. A multiscale method for shape recognition of overlapping elliptical particles. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, December 2016. [bibtex-key = delanglard:icpr:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  137. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Caractérisation géométrique par analyse d'image d'un écoulement diphasique dense. In 15ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL), Toulouse, France, September 2016. [bibtex-key = delanglard:cftl:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  138. S. Mbarek, O. Eterradossi, H. Garay, J. C. Quantin, D. Perrin, P. Dokladal, R. Charriére, J. Faucheu, J. C. Pinoli, J. Debayle, V. Desauziers, and B. Monasse. Effect of recycling and of injection parameters on the aspect of polypropylene injected parts with glossy and rough surfaces. In 32nd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PSS), Lyon, France, July 2016. [bibtex-key = mbarek:pps:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  139. B. Presles and J. Debayle. A distance-based shape descriptor invariant to similitude and its application to shape classification. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, December 2016. [bibtex-key = presles:icpr:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  140. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J. Debayle. Estimation of the Shape Variations of the Typical Grain within a Boolean Model. In Workshop on Stochastic Geometry, Stereology and their Applications (SGSA), Sonderborg, Denmark, June 2016. Keyword(s): Boolean model, Covariogram, Minkowski functionals, Steiner formula. [bibtex-key = rahmani:sgsa:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  141. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J Debayle. Modélisation et caractérisation géométriques de cristaux par analyse d'images in situ. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, number 108, 2016. [bibtex-key = rahmani:gp:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  142. Y. Gavet, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. The Color Logarithmic Image Processing (CoLIP) antagonist space and chromacity diagram. In Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW), Saint-Etienne, France, 2015. Keyword(s): color space, color image processing, logarithmic image processing. [bibtex-key = gavet:cciw:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  143. V. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Debayle, Y. Wazaefi, M. Rahim, C. Gaudy, J. J. Grob, and B. Fertil. Automatic classification of skin lesions using color mathematical morphology-based texture descriptors. In 12th SPIE International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV), Le Creusot, France, June 2015. Keyword(s): color image processing, mathematical morphology, image classification. [bibtex-key = gonzalez:qcav:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  144. V. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Debayle, Y. Wazaefi, M. Rahim, C. Gaudy, J. J. Grob, and B. Fertil. Automatic classification of skin lesions using geometrical measurements of adaptive neighborhoods and local binary patterns. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Québec, Canada, September 2015. Keyword(s): color image processing, mathematical morphology, image classification. [bibtex-key = gonzalez:icip:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  145. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J. Debayle. Characterization and Estimation of the Variations of a Random Convex Set by its Mean n-Variogram : Application to the Boolean Model. In International Conference on Geometric Science of Information (GSI), Paris, France, October 2015. Keyword(s): Boolean model, Covariogram, Minkowski functionals, Steiner formula. [bibtex-key = rahmani:gsi:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  146. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J Debayle. Estimation of the Geometrical Variations of the Typical Grain within a Boolean Model. In Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems (GPSRS), Bad Herrenhalb, Germany, September 2015. [bibtex-key = debayle:gpsrs:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  147. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J. Debayle. Geometrical Stochastic Modeling and Characterization of 2-D Crystal Population Images. In International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis (ICSIA), Liège, Belgium, July 2015. Keyword(s): Boolean model, Covariogram, Minkowski functionals, Steiner formula. [bibtex-key = rahmani:icsia:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  148. V. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Debayle, and V. Curic. Pixel Classification using General Adaptive Neighborhood-based Features. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm, Sweden, 2014. Keyword(s): mathematical morphology, general adaptive neighborhood, classification, neural networks, integral geometry, Minkowski functionals. [bibtex-key = gonzalez:icpr:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  149. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. Identification et caractérisation géométriques des cristaux par analyse d'image in situ. In Conférence Cristallisation et Précipitation Industrielles, Toulouse-Albi, May 2013. Keyword(s): crystallization, deconvolution, pattern analysis, segmentation, particle size distribution, stereology, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = debayle:cristal7:2013] [bibtex-entry]
  150. B. Presles, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. A novel projective stereological image analysis method to estimate particle size and shape distributions. In 10th IEEE/SPIE International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV), Fukuoka, Japan, May-June 2013. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, shape diagram, stereology. [bibtex-key = presles:qcav:2013] [bibtex-entry]
  151. B. Presles, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Stéréologie d'objets 3-D à partir de leurs projections 2-D. Application aux processus de cristallisation. In Conference of ORASIS, Cluny, June 2013. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, shape diagram, stereology. [bibtex-key = presles:orasis:2013] [bibtex-entry]
  152. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. 3D Image Filtering and Segmentation using Morphological Tools. In European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Vienna, Austria, September 2012. Note: Invited paper / Special Session on Image Based Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials. Keyword(s): 3d, general adaptive neighborhood, image restoration, image segmentation. [bibtex-key = debayle:eccomas:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  153. L. Dubuis, S. Avril, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. Patient-specific FE model of the leg under elastic compression. In 10th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE), Berlin, Germany, April 2012. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:cmbbeconf:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  154. L. Dubuis, S. Avril, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. Patient-specific numerical model of soft tissues in the compressed leg: application to six subjects. In Colloquium EUROMECH, Saint-Etienne, France, May 2012. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:euromech:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  155. L. Dubuis, S. Avril, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. Patient-specific numerical model of soft tissues in the compressed leg: application to six subjects. In 8th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics, Johannesburg, South Africa, September 2012. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:sacam:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  156. L. Dubuis, P. Y. Rohan, S. Avril, P. Badel, and J. Debayle. Patient-specific computational models: Tools for improving the efficiency of Medical Compression Stockings. In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Nice, France, October 2012. [bibtex-key = dubuis:miccai:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  157. Y. Maillot, B. Presles, and J. Debayle. Shape Reconstruction From An Unorganized Point Cloud With Outliers. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Aveiro, Portugal, June 2012. Keyword(s): pattern recognition, LDA-alpha-shapes. [bibtex-key = maillot:iciar:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  158. B. Presles, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Shape recognition from shadows of 3-D convex geometrical objects. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Orlando, USA, September/October 2012. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, shape diagram, stereology. [bibtex-key = presles:icip:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  159. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Analyse morphométrique d'images à tons de gris par diagrammes de forme. In Conference of RFIA, 2012. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, pattern analysis, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = rivollier:rfia:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  160. O. Ahmad, J. Debayle, N. Gherras, G. Fevotte, and J. C. Pinoli. Mesure de la distribution granulométrique de cristaux aciculaires par analyse d'images acquises à l'aide d'une sonde vidéo in situ. In Proceedings of the SFGP, 2011. Keyword(s): crystallization, clustering, overlapping particles, salient corner detection, particle size distribution, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = ahmad:sfgp:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  161. O. Ahmad, J. Debayle, N. Gherras, B. Presles, G. Févotte, and J. C. Pinoli. Recognizing overlapped particles during a crystallization process from in situ video images for measuring their size distributions. In 10th SPIE International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV), Saint-Etienne, France, June 2011. Keyword(s): pattern recognition, crystallization. [bibtex-key = ahmad:qcav:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  162. O. Ahmad, N. Gherras, J. Debayle, B. Presles, G. Fevotte, and J. C. Pinoli. Recognizing overlapped particles during a crystallization process from in situ video images for measuring their size distributions. In International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC), Zurich, Switzerland, 2011. Keyword(s): crystallization, clustering, overlapping particles, salient corner detection, particle size distribution, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = ahmad:isic:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  163. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. Caractérisation géométrique et vélocimétrique d'empilements granulaires par analyse d'image. In 10ème Colloque national en calcul des structures (CSMA), Giens, France, May 2011. Keyword(s): 3d, arch detection, grain motion, granular media, mathematical morphology, multiscale analysis, optical flow, velocity field. [bibtex-key = debayle:csma:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  164. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. General adaptive neighborhood viscous mathematical morphology. In 10th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Intra, Italy, July 2011. Springer Verlag. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, image enhancement, image restoration, mathematical morphology, viscous filtering. [bibtex-key = debayle:ismm:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  165. L Dubuis, S. Avril, P. Badel, and J. Debayle. Identification des propriétés des tissus mous de la jambe sous compression élastique. In 10ème Colloque national en calcul des structures (CSMA), Giens, France, May 2011. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:csma:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  166. L. Dubuis, S. Avril, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. 3D numerical modeling of the compressed leg. In 1st International Congress on Scientific Testing of Orthotic Devices (STOD), Aix Les Bains, France, 2011. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:stod:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  167. L. Dubuis, S. Avril, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. Identification of the materiel parameters of soft tissues in the compressed leg. In International Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (SEM), Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA, June 2011. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:sem:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  168. H. Gouinaud, Y. Gavet, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Color Correction in the Framework of Color Logarithmic Image Processing. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISISPA), Dubrovnik, Croatia, pages 129-133, 2011. Keyword(s): logarithmic image processing, color spaces. [bibtex-key = gouinaud:ispa:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  169. J. C. Pinoli and J. Debayle. General adaptive distance transforms on gray-tone images: application to image segmentation. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussell, Belgium, September 2011. Keyword(s): generalized metric, distance transform, general adaptive neighborhood, distance map, segmentation. [bibtex-key = pinoli:icip:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  170. B. Presles, J. Debayle, Y. Maillot, and J. C. Pinoli. Automatic recognition of 2D shapes from a set of points. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Burnaby, BC, Canada, June 2011. Keyword(s): convex sets, Delaunay triangulation, human visual perception, LDA-alpha-shapes, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = presles:iciar:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  171. S. Avril, L. Dubuis, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. Identification of the material parameters of soft tissues in the compressed leg. In 9th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE), Valencia, Spain, February 2010. Note: Special Session on Identification of Biomaterial Parameters using Inverse FE. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = avril:cmbbe:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  172. M. Lagarrigue, J. Debayle, S. Jacquier, F. Gruy, and J. C. Pinoli. Geometrical characterization of various shaped 3D-aggregates of primary spherical particules by radial distribution functions. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), volume 6112 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, pages 434-443, June 2010. Springer Verlag. Keyword(s): aggregate, function of pairs, pattern analysis, radial distribution function. [bibtex-key = lagarrigue:iciar:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  173. M. Lagarrigue, S. Jacquier, J. Debayle, J. C. Pinoli, and F. Gruy. Caractérisation géométrique et optique de plusieurs types d'agrégats. In Conférence Cristallisation et Précipitation Industrielles, Marseille, France, May 2010. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, light scattering cross-section, aggregate. [bibtex-key = lagarrigue:cristal6:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  174. M. Lagarrigue, S. Jacquier, J. Debayle, J. C. Pinoli, and F. Gruy. Multi-scale agglomerates: relationship between morphology and optical properties. In World Congress of Particle Technology (WCPT), Nuremberg, Germany, April 2010. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, light scattering cross-section, aggregate. [bibtex-key = lagarrigue:wcpt:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  175. B. Presles, A. Cameirao, J. Debayle, J. C. Pinoi, and G. Fevotte. Caractérisation géométrique de particules lors de leurs cristallisations en solution par analyse d'image in situ. In Conférence Cristallisation et Précipitation Industrielles, Marseille, France, May 2010. Keyword(s): crystallization, deconvolution, pattern analysis, segmentation, particle size distribution. [bibtex-key = presles:cristal6:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  176. B. Presles, J. Debayle, G. Cameirao, A. a,d Fevotte, and J. C. Pinoli. Volume estimation of 3D particles with known convex shapes from its projected areas. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Paris, France, 2010. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, projected areas, stereology. [bibtex-key = presles:ipta:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  177. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Shape representation and analysis of 2D compact sets by shape diagrams. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Paris, France, 2010. Keyword(s): convex sets, pattern analysis, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = rivollier:ipta:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  178. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. General Adaptive Neighborhood Representation for Adaptive Choquet Image Filtering. In 10th European Congress of Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA), Milan, Italy, pages 431-436, June 2009. Keyword(s): adaptive image processing, Choquet filtering, general adaptive neighborhood, image representation, multiscale analysis. [bibtex-key = debayle:ecsia:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  179. J. Debayle, A. Raihane, A. Belhaoua, O. Bonnefoy, J. M. Chaix, J. L. Gelet, G. Thomas, and J. C. Pinoli. Velocity field computation in vibrated granular media. In 9th IEEE/SPIE International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV), Wels, Austria, May 2009. Keyword(s): grain motion, granular media, horizontal vibrations, multiscale analysis, optical flow, velocity field. [bibtex-key = debayle:qcav2:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  180. L. Dubuis, L. Bouten, J. Debayle, S. Avril, and S. Drapier. Modélisation de la jambe humaine sous contention élastique. In Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM), Marseille, France, August 2009. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:cfm:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  181. J. C. Pinoli and J. Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, November 2009. Note: Invited paper / Special Session on Adaptive Morphology. Keyword(s): adaptive image processing, mathematical morphology, general adaptive neighborhood. [bibtex-key = pinoli:icip:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  182. B. Presles, J. Debayle, A. Rivoire, G. Févotte, and J. C. Pinoli. Monitoring the particle size distribution using image analysis during batch crystallization processes. In 9th IEEE/SPIE International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV), Wels, Austria, May 2009. Keyword(s): crystallization, deconvolution, pattern analysis, segmentation, size distribution. [bibtex-key = presles:qcav:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  183. B. Presles, J. Debayle, A. Rivoire, J. C. Pinoli, and G. Févotte. In situ particle size measurements during cristallisation processes using image analysis. In Conference of Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP), Marseille, France, September 2009. Note: Keynote. Keyword(s): crystallization, deconvolution, pattern analysis, segmentation, size distribution. [bibtex-key = presles:sfgp:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  184. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Fonctionnelles et fonctions de Minkowski à Voisinages Adaptatifs Généraux pour l'analyse des images à tons de gris. In Conference of GRETSI, Dijon, France, September 2009. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, algebraic models, mathematical morphology, Minkowski functionals, Minkowski maps, multiscale analysis, pattern analysis. [bibtex-key = rivollier:gretsi:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  185. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. General Adaptive Neighborhood-Based Minkowski Maps for Gray-Tone Image Analysis. In 10th European Congress of Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA), Milan, Italy, pages 219-224, June 2009. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, algebraic models, mathematical morphology, Minkowski functionals, Minkowski maps, multiscale analysis, pattern analysis. [bibtex-key = rivollier:ecsia:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  186. L. Leclerc, D. Boudard, J. Pourchez, O. Sabido, S. Palle, J. Debayle, and M. Cottier. Development of innovative methods for phagocytosis quantification of microsized particles. In 2nd International Conference on Nanotoxicology, Zurich, Switzerland, 2008. Keyword(s): pattern analysis. [bibtex-key = leclerc:nano:2008] [bibtex-entry]
  187. C. Polo, E. Pourchez, J. Debayle, J. C. Pinoli, and G. Thomas. Détection de voûtes par analyse d'image 3D dans des empilements granulaires. In Journée annuelle de la Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux (JA SF2M), Saint-Etienne, France, pages 129-130, May 30 - June 1, 2007. Keyword(s): 3d, arch detection, mathematical morphology. [bibtex-key = polo:sf2m:2007] [bibtex-entry]
  188. J. Pourchez, J. Debayle, P. Grosseau, J. C. Pinoli, E. Boller, and E. Maire. Etude de la structuration du réseau poreux des matériaux cimentaires frais par microtomographie au rayonnement synchrotron à acquisition rapide. In Journée annuelle de la Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux (JA SF2M), Saint-Etienne, France, pages 147-148, May 30 - June 1, 2007. Keyword(s): 3d, mathematical morphology, size distribution. [bibtex-key = pourchez:sf2m:2007] [bibtex-entry]
  189. J. Pourchez, P. Grosseau, E. Rouèche-Pourchez, J. Debayle, J. C. Pinoli, E. Maire, E. Boller, and E. Parra-Denis. Impact of cellulose ethers on the cement paste microstructure. In 10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society (ECERS), Berlin, Germany, pages 2045-2050, June 17-21, 2007. Keyword(s): 3d, mathematical morphology, size distribution. [bibtex-key = pourchez:ecers:2007] [bibtex-entry]
  190. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Représentation intrinsèque multi-échelle des images à tons de gris par Voisinages Adaptatifs Généraux (VAG). In Conference of GRETSI, Troyes, France, pages 781-784, September 2007. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, analyzing criterion, mathematical morphology, algebraic models, logarithmic image processing. [bibtex-key = rivollier:gretsi:2007] [bibtex-entry]
  191. J. Debayle, Y. Gavet, and J. C. Pinoli. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Restoration, Enhancement and Segmentation. In 3rd International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), volume 4141 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Image Analysis and Recognition, Povoa De Varzim, Portugal, pages 29-40, September 18-20, 2006. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology, algebraic models. [bibtex-key = debayle:iciar:2006] [bibtex-entry]
  192. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. Adaptive-Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image Filtering and Segmentation. In 9th European Congress on Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA), volume 2, Zakopane, Poland, pages 123-130, May 10-13 2005. Keyword(s): adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology. [bibtex-key = debayle:ecsia:2005] [bibtex-entry]
  193. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. Multiscale Image Filtering and Segmentation by means of Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Genova, Italy, pages 2669-2672, September 11-14, 2005. Keyword(s): adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology, multiscale analysis. [bibtex-key = debayle:icip:2005] [bibtex-entry]
  194. R. Lima, S. Rahmani, J. Debayle, E. Serris, and A. Cameirao. Système multi-capteurs pour le suivi d'un procédé semi-continu de cristallisation. Seminar of the GdR MORPHEA, October 2021. [bibtex-key = lima:morphea:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  195. H. Moussaoui, J. Debayle, Y. Gavet, G. Delette, M. Hubert, P. Cloetens, and J. Laurencin. Optimization of solid oxide cells microstructure using image analysis and stochastic geometry. Seminar of IMT-ENR2, April 2021. [bibtex-key = moussaoui:enr2:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  196. S. Rahmani, R. Lima, A. Cameirao, E. Serris, and J. Debayle. Particle detection in a 2D image of overlapping crystals based on community detection. Seminar of the GdR MORPHEA, October 2021. [bibtex-key = rahmani:morphea:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  197. L. Théodon, T. Eremina, K. Dia, F. Lamadie, J.-C. Pinoli, and J. Debayle. Parameters estimation of a stochastic geometrical model for multiphase flow images using local measurements. Seminar of the GdR MORPHEA, October 2021. [bibtex-key = theodon:morphea:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  198. B. Védrine, A. Cameirao, and J. Debayle. Modélisation géométrique de particules solides. Application aux écoulements et à la formation d’hydrates. Seinar of the GdR MORPHEA, October 2021. [bibtex-key = vedrine:morphea:2021] [bibtex-entry]
  199. J. Debayle. Digital twins and image analysis for the geometrical characterization of particle populations. Seminar of the GdR MORPHEA, October 2020. [bibtex-key = debayle:morphea:2020] [bibtex-entry]
  200. F. Lamadie, S. Charton, J. Debayle, and F. Onofri. Les diagnostics optiques, des outils performants pour l'étude et la modélisation des systèmes polyphasiques. Seminar of the GdR MORPHEA, October 2020. [bibtex-key = lamadie:morpphea:2020] [bibtex-entry]
  201. A. Boucher, A. Chekroun, J. Debayle, and A. Liné. Morphologie et célérité des poches de gaz : des bulles de Taylor aux structures non confinées. Seminar of the GdR MORPHEA, June 2019. [bibtex-key = boucher:morphea:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  202. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Caractérisation morphométrique d’écoulements diphasiques par analyse d’image et géométrie aléatoire. Conference of Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP), October 2019. [bibtex-key = delanglard:sfgp:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  203. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Image analysis and stochastic geometry for the morphological characterization of multiphase flows. Seminar of the GdR MORPHEA, June 2019. [bibtex-key = debayle:morphea:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  204. J. Debayle. Use of image analysis for process control involving granular media. AXELERA Digital Club, April 2019. [bibtex-key = debayle:axelera:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  205. T. Eremina, J. Debayle, F. Gruy, and J.C. Pinoli. Local Minkowski measures for geometric characterization of stochastic spatial structures. Seminar of the International Society for Stereology and Image Analysis (ISSIA), February 2019. [bibtex-key = eremina:iss:2019] [bibtex-entry]
  206. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Modélisation et caractérisation géométrique d'écoulements diphasiques denses. Journée de la recherche, ED-SE, June 2018. [bibtex-key = delanglard:jdred:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  207. J. Debayle. Contribution of image analysis for the morphological characterization of granular media. AXELERA workshop, October 2018. [bibtex-key = debayle:axelera:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  208. J. Debayle. General adaptive neighborhood mathematical morphology. Invited Seminar at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico, June 2018. [bibtex-key = debayle:buap:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  209. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. Seminar of the GdR MORPHEA, May 2018. [bibtex-key = debayle:morphea:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  210. J. Debayle. Image processing, analysis and modeling of particle populations. Application to crystallization processes. Seminar of the International Society for Stereology and Image Analysis (ISSIA), February 2018. Note: Keynote. [bibtex-key = debayle:iss:2018] [bibtex-entry]
  211. M. De Langlard, H. Al Saddik, S. Charton, J. Debayle, and F. Lamadie. An innovative recognition algorithm for highly overlapping ellipse-like objects: application to dense multiphase flows. Seminar of the International Society for Stereology and Image Analysis (ISSIA), February 2017. [bibtex-key = delanglard:issia:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  212. J. Debayle. Contribution of Digital Image Analysis to the Morphological Characterization of Granular Media. AXELERA workshop, June 2017. [bibtex-key = debayle:axelera:2017] [bibtex-entry]
  213. M. De Langlard, F. Lamadie, S. Charton, and J. Debayle. Caractérisation géométrique par analyse d'image d'un écoulement diphasique dense. 16èmes Journées Scientifiques de Marcoule (JSM), June 2016. [bibtex-key = delanglard:jsm:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  214. J. Debayle. Bases géométriques pour l'analyse inclusionnaire. 2ème Journée Métrologie, March 2016. [bibtex-key = debayle:sf2m:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  215. J. Debayle. Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations. Seminar MORPHEA, Toulouse, France, October 2016. [bibtex-key = debayle:morphea:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  216. V. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Debayle, Y. Wazaefi, M. Rahim, C. Gaudy, J. J. Grob, and B. Fertil. Analyse d'images dermoscopiques pour la d'étection précoce du mélanome. Journés scientifiques de cytométrie et d'imagerie (CYTIMA), June 2016. [bibtex-key = gonzalez:cytima:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  217. S. Mbarek, O. Eterradossi, H. Garay, J. C. Quantin, D. Perrin, P. Dokladal, R. Charriére, J. Faucheu, J. C. Pinoli, J. Debayle, V. Desauziers, and B. Monasse. Etude de l'évolution des aspects psychosensoriels de matériaux recyclés en relation avec leurs conditions de mise en forme par injection. 6ème colloque de l'Institut Mines-Télécom : Matériaux : réalités et nouvelles frontières, March 2016. [bibtex-key = mbarek:imt:2016] [bibtex-entry]
  218. J Debayle. Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations. Invited seminar at the CEA, Marcoule, France, June 2015. Keyword(s): Minkowski functionals, MInkowski Tensors, Boolean model, Stochastic geometry. [bibtex-key = debayle:marcoule:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  219. J. Debayle. Image Processing, Analysis and Modeling of Particle Populations. Seminar GEOMAG, Saint-Etienne, France, June 2015. Keyword(s): Minkowski functionals, MInkowski Tensors, Boolean model, Stochastic geometry. [bibtex-key = debayle:geomag:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  220. J. Debayle. Study of Minkowski Valuations for Boolean Models Application to 2-D Image Analysis of Crystallization Processes. Invited seminar at the Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany, March 2015. Keyword(s): Minkowski functionals, MInkowski Tensors, Boolean model. [bibtex-key = debayle:kaiserslautern:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  221. J. Debayle. Study of Minkowski Valuations for Boolean Models. Application to 2-D Image Analysis of Crystallization Processes. Invited seminar at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, April 2015. Keyword(s): Minkowski functionals, MInkowski Tensors, Boolean model. [bibtex-key = debayle:karlsruhe:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  222. J Debayle. Study of Shape Diagrams with Applications to Image and Pattern Analysis. Invited seminar at the TU Munich, Germany, April 2015. Keyword(s): convex sets, pattern analysis, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = debayle:munich:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  223. S. Rahmani, J. C. Pinoli, and J. Debayle. Estimation des variations géométriques de grains anisotropes dans un modèle booléen. Seminar of the International Society for Stereology, February 2015. Keyword(s): Boolean model, Covariogram, Minkowski functionals, Steiner formula. [bibtex-key = rahmani:iss:2015] [bibtex-entry]
  224. J Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing and Analysis. Invited seminar at the SIP Laboratory, University Paris-Descartes, France, November 2014. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:sip:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  225. J. Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing and Analysis. Invited seminar at the Imagine Laboratory, ENPC, Paris, France, April 2014. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:enpc:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  226. J. Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing and Analysis. Invited seminar at the LHC laboratory, Saint-Etienne, France, April 2014. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:lhc:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  227. J. Debayle. Shape descriptors. Seminar for GEOMAG, Toulouse, France, September 2014. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:toulouse:2014] [bibtex-entry]
  228. V. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Debayle, and V. Curic. Pixel Classification using General Adaptive Neighborhood-based Features. Seminar of the International Society for Stereology, February 2014. Keyword(s): mathematical morphology, general adaptive neighborhood, classification, neural networks, integral geometry, Minkowski functionals. [bibtex-key = iss:2014:gonzalez] [bibtex-entry]
  229. J. Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing and Analysis. Invited seminar at the XLIM Laboratory, Poitiers, October 2013. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:poitiers:2013] [bibtex-entry]
  230. J. Debayle. General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing and Analysis. Invited seminar at the IMB Laboratory, Université Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, October 2013. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:bordeaux:2013] [bibtex-entry]
  231. J. Debayle. Geometrical characterization of particles during crystallization processes. Invited seminar at the TU / Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 2013. Keyword(s): crystallization, pattern analysis, particle size distribution, stereology. [bibtex-key = debayle:kaiserslautern:2013] [bibtex-entry]
  232. J. Debayle and J. C. Pinoli. 3-D geometrical characterization of particles by stereological analysis. Journée du Club Image 3D Noesis, April 2013. Keyword(s): crystallization, pattern analysis, particle size distribution, stereology. [bibtex-key = debayle:noesis:2013] [bibtex-entry]
  233. J. Debayle. Adaptive image processing and analysis. Invited seminar at the AYIN Laboratory, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, October 2012. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:inria:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  234. J. Debayle. Adaptive image processing and analysis. Invited seminar at the GIPSA Laboratory, INP, Grenoble, May 2012. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:gipsa:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  235. J. Debayle. Analyse morphométrique par diagrammes de forme. Seminar of the International Society for Stereology, February 2012. Keyword(s): pattern recognition, shape diagram. [bibtex-key = debayle:iss:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  236. J. Debayle. Geometrical characterization of multiscale aggregates. Invited seminar at the LMIA Laboratory, University of Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, May 2012. [bibtex-key = debayle:uha:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  237. J. Debayle. Traitement et analyse adaptatifs d'images à tons de gris. Invited seminar at the LSIS Laboratory, University of Aix-Marseille, Marseille, February 2012. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, integral geometry, shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:lsis:2012] [bibtex-entry]
  238. J. Debayle. Diagrammes de forme pour la caractérisation morphologique de particules. Invited seminar at the LMIA Laboratory, University of Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, April 2011. Keyword(s): shape diagram, pattern recognition. [bibtex-key = debayle:uha:2011] [bibtex-entry]
  239. L. Dubuis, S. Avril, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. Etude biomécanique de la jambe sous compression élastique. Journée de la recherche, ED-SE, May 2010. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:jdred:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  240. L. Dubuis, S. Avril, J. Debayle, and P. Badel. Etude biomécanique de la jambe sous compression élastique. Rencontres Textiles Santé, May 2010. Keyword(s): biomechanics, elastic compression, finite-element method, image registration, inverse method. [bibtex-key = dubuis:textile:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  241. B. Presles, A. Cameirao, G. Fevotte, and J. C. Pinoli. Analyse de cristaux. Colloque Rhône-Alpes de quantimétrie cellulaire, June 2010. Keyword(s): crystallization, pattern analysis, particle size distribution, stereology. [bibtex-key = presles:cyto:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  242. B. Presles, J. Debayle, A. Cameirao, G. Fevotte, and J. C. Pinoli. Caractérisation géométrique et morphologique par analyse d'images 2D de particules lors d'un processus de cristallisation. Journée de la recherche, ED-SE, May 2010. Keyword(s): crystallization, pattern analysis, particle size distribution, stereology. [bibtex-key = presles:jdred:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  243. B. Presles, J. Debayle, A. Cameirao, G. Févotte, and Pinoli J. C.. Volume estimation of 3D crystals by projective stereology. Seminar of the International Society for Stereology, February 2010. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, projected areas, stereology. [bibtex-key = presles:iss:2010] [bibtex-entry]
  244. M. Lagarrigue, J. Debayle, S. Jacquier, J. C. Pinoli, and F. Gruy. Caractérisations optique et morphologique des agrégats multi-échelles. Journée de la recherche, ED-SE, April 2009. Keyword(s): pattern analysis, light scattering cross-section, aggregate. [bibtex-key = lagarrigue:jdred:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  245. S. Rivollier, J. Debayle, and J. C. Pinoli. Cartographies des fonctionnelles de Minkowski adaptatives pour l'analyse des images à tons de gris. Seminar of the International Society for Stereology, January 2009. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, algebraic models, mathematical morphology, Minkowski functionals, Minkowski maps, multiscale analysis, pattern analysis. [bibtex-key = rivollier:iss:2009] [bibtex-entry]
  246. Séverine Rivollier, Johan Debayle, and Jean-Charles Pinoli. Analyse d'image quantitative multi-échelle à Voisinages Adaptatifs Généraux (VAG). Journée de la recherche, ED-SE, April 2008. Note: Prix du meilleur poster. Keyword(s): general adaptive neighborhood, multiscale analysis, pattern analysis. [bibtex-key = rivollier:jdred:2008] [bibtex-entry]
  247. Johan Debayle and Jean-Charles Pinoli. Traitement d'image morphologique multi-échelle spatialement adaptatif. Journée de la recherche, ED-SE, April 2004. Keyword(s): adaptive neighborhood, mathematical morphology. [bibtex-key = debayle:jdred:2004] [bibtex-entry]



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Author: debayle

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