Interface NumberTerm

Package class diagram package NumberTerm
All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<Term>, java.io.Serializable, Term, ToDOM
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArithExpr, ArithFunctionTerm, NumberTermImpl, UnnamedVar, VarTerm

public interface NumberTerm
extends Term

The interface for numeric terms of AgentSpeak language

Method Summary
 double solve()
          returns the numeric value of the term
Methods inherited from interface jason.asSyntax.Term
apply, clone, countVars, equals, getSrcInfo, hasVar, isArithExpr, isAtom, isGround, isInternalAction, isList, isLiteral, isNumeric, isPlanBody, isPred, isRule, isString, isStructure, isUnnamedVar, isVar, setSrcInfo
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface jason.util.ToDOM

Method Detail


double solve()
returns the numeric value of the term