Uses of Interface

Packages that use ListTerm

Uses of ListTerm in jason

Methods in jason that return ListTerm
static ListTerm JasonException.createBasicErrorAnnots(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String msg)
static ListTerm JasonException.createBasicErrorAnnots(Term id, java.lang.String msg)
 ListTerm JasonException.getErrorTerms()

Uses of ListTerm in jason.asSyntax

Classes in jason.asSyntax that implement ListTerm
 class ListTermImpl
          Represents a list node as in prolog .(t1,.(t2,.(t3,.))).
 class UnnamedVar
          Represents an unnamed variable '_'.
 class VarTerm
          Represents a variable Term: like X (starts with upper case).

Methods in jason.asSyntax that return ListTerm
 ListTerm VarTerm.append(Term t)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.append(Term t)
          Adds a term in the end of the list
 ListTerm ListTerm.append(Term t)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.clone()
          make a hard copy of the terms
 ListTerm VarTerm.cloneLT()
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.cloneLT()
          make a hard copy of the terms
 ListTerm ListTerm.cloneLT()
          clone the list term
 ListTerm VarTerm.cloneLTShallow()
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.cloneLTShallow()
          make a shallow copy of the list (terms are not cloned, only the structure)
 ListTerm ListTerm.cloneLTShallow()
          make a shallow copy of the list (terms are not cloned, only the structure)
 ListTerm VarTerm.concat(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.concat(ListTerm lt)
          Adds a list in the end of this list.
 ListTerm ListTerm.concat(ListTerm lt)
static ListTerm ASSyntax.createList(java.util.Collection<Term> terms)
          Creates a new list from a collection of terms (each element of the collection is cloned)
static ListTerm ASSyntax.createList(Term... terms)
          Creates a new list with n elements, n can be 0
 ListTerm VarTerm.difference(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.difference(ListTerm lt)
          returns a new (cloned) list representing the set resulting of the difference of this list and lt.
 ListTerm ListTerm.difference(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm VarTerm.getAnnots()
 ListTerm Pred.getAnnots()
 ListTerm Literal.getAnnots()
          returns all annotations of the literal
 ListTerm Pred.getAnnots(java.lang.String functor)
 ListTerm Literal.getAnnots(java.lang.String functor)
          returns all annots with the specified functor e.g.: from annots [t(a), t(b), source(tom)] and functor "t", it returns [t(a),t(b)] in case that there is no such an annot, it returns an empty list.
 ListTerm Literal.getAsListOfTerms()
          returns this literal as a list with three elements: [functor, list of terms, list of annots]
 ListTerm VarTerm.getLast()
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.getLast()
          get the last ListTerm of this List
 ListTerm ListTerm.getLast()
 ListTerm VarTerm.getNext()
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.getNext()
 ListTerm ListTerm.getNext()
 ListTerm VarTerm.getPenultimate()
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.getPenultimate()
 ListTerm ListTerm.getPenultimate()
 ListTerm VarTerm.getSources()
 ListTerm Pred.getSources()
 ListTerm Literal.getSources()
          returns the sources of this literal as a new list.
 ListTerm VarTerm.insert(Term t)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.insert(Term t)
          insert a term in the begin of this list
 ListTerm ListTerm.insert(Term t)
 ListTerm VarTerm.intersection(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.intersection(ListTerm lt)
          returns a new (cloned) list representing the set resulting of the intersection of this list and lt.
 ListTerm ListTerm.intersection(ListTerm lt)
static ListTerm ListTermImpl.parseList(java.lang.String sList)
static ListTerm ASSyntax.parseList(java.lang.String sList)
          creates a new list by parsing a string
 ListTerm VarTerm.reverse()
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.reverse()
          Creates a new (cloned) list with the same elements of this list, but in the reversed order.
 ListTerm ListTerm.reverse()
 ListTerm VarTerm.union(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.union(ListTerm lt)
          returns a new (cloned) list representing the set resulting of the union of this list and lt.
 ListTerm ListTerm.union(ListTerm lt)

Methods in jason.asSyntax that return types with arguments of type ListTerm
 java.util.Iterator<ListTerm> VarTerm.listTermIterator()
 java.util.Iterator<ListTerm> ListTermImpl.listTermIterator()
          gives an iterator that includes the final empty list or tail, for [a,b,c] returns [a,b,c]; [b,c]; [c]; and [].
 java.util.Iterator<ListTerm> ListTerm.listTermIterator()

Methods in jason.asSyntax with parameters of type ListTerm
 ListTerm VarTerm.concat(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.concat(ListTerm lt)
          Adds a list in the end of this list.
 ListTerm ListTerm.concat(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm VarTerm.difference(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.difference(ListTerm lt)
          returns a new (cloned) list representing the set resulting of the difference of this list and lt.
 ListTerm ListTerm.difference(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm VarTerm.intersection(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.intersection(ListTerm lt)
          returns a new (cloned) list representing the set resulting of the intersection of this list and lt.
 ListTerm ListTerm.intersection(ListTerm lt)
static Literal Literal.newFromListOfTerms(ListTerm lt)
          creates a literal from a list with three elements: [functor, list of terms, list of annots]
 Literal VarTerm.setAnnots(ListTerm l)
 Literal Pred.setAnnots(ListTerm l)
 Literal Literal.setAnnots(ListTerm l)
protected  void ListTermImpl.setValuesFrom(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm VarTerm.union(ListTerm lt)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.union(ListTerm lt)
          returns a new (cloned) list representing the set resulting of the union of this list and lt.
 ListTerm ListTerm.union(ListTerm lt)