Interface ExecutionControlInfraTier

Package class diagram package ExecutionControlInfraTier
All Known Implementing Classes:
CentralisedExecutionControl, JadeExecutionControl, SaciExecutionControl

public interface ExecutionControlInfraTier

This interface is implemented in the infrastructure tier (distributed/centralised) to provide methods that the user controller may call.

Method Summary
 org.w3c.dom.Document getAgState(java.lang.String agName)
          Gets the agent state (beliefs, intentions, plans, ...) as an XML document
 RuntimeServicesInfraTier getRuntimeServices()
          Gets an object with infrastructure runtime services
 void informAgToPerformCycle(java.lang.String agName, int cycle)
          Informs an agent to continue to its next reasoning cycle.
 void informAllAgsToPerformCycle(int cycle)
          Informs all agents to continue to its next reasoning cycle.

Method Detail


void informAgToPerformCycle(java.lang.String agName,
                            int cycle)
Informs an agent to continue to its next reasoning cycle.


void informAllAgsToPerformCycle(int cycle)
Informs all agents to continue to its next reasoning cycle.


org.w3c.dom.Document getAgState(java.lang.String agName)
Gets the agent state (beliefs, intentions, plans, ...) as an XML document


RuntimeServicesInfraTier getRuntimeServices()
Gets an object with infrastructure runtime services