Package jason.functions

Package class diagram package jason.functions
Class Summary
Abs Function: math.abs(N): encapsulates java Math.abs(N).
Average Function: math.average(L): returns the average of all values of L.
ceil Function: math.ceil(N): encapsulates java Math.ceil(N), returns the smallest double value that is not less than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
Count Function: .count(B): counts the number of occurrences of a particular belief (pattern) in the agent's belief base, as the internal action .count.
e Function: math.e: encapsulates java Math.E.
floor Function: math.floor(N): encapsulates java Math.floor(N), returns the largest double value that is not greater than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
Length Function: .length(L): returns the size of either the list or string L.
log Function: math.log(N): encapsulates java Math.log(N), returns the natural logarithm (base e) of N.
Max Function: math.max(N1,N2): encapsulates java Math.max(N1,N2).
Min Function: math.min(N1,N2): encapsulates java Math.min(N1,N2).
pi Function: math.pi: encapsulates java Math.PI.
Random Function: math.random(N): encapsulates java Math.random; If N is not informed: returns a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0; If N is informed: returns a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than N.
Round Function: math.round(N): encapsulates java Math.round(N); returns the closest integer to the argument.
RuleToFunction Wraps a rule into a function.
Sqrt Function: math.sqrt(N): encapsulates java Math.sqrt(N); returns the correctly rounded positive square root of N.
StdDev Function: math.std_dev(L): returns the standard deviation of all values of L.
Sum Function: math.sum(L): sums all values of L.
time Function: system.time: encapsulates java System.currentTimeMillis(), returns the current time in milliseconds.