Uses of Interface

Packages that use ArithFunction

Uses of ArithFunction in jason.asSemantics

Classes in jason.asSemantics that implement ArithFunction
 class DefaultArithFunction
          Useful default implementation of all methods of ArithFunction interface.

Methods in jason.asSemantics that return ArithFunction
 ArithFunction Agent.getFunction(java.lang.String function, int arity)
          get the object the implements the arithmetic function function/arity, either global (like math.max) or local (like .count).

Method parameters in jason.asSemantics with type arguments of type ArithFunction
 void Agent.addFunction(java.lang.Class<? extends ArithFunction> c)
          register an arithmetic function implemented in Java

Uses of ArithFunction in jason.asSyntax

Constructors in jason.asSyntax with parameters of type ArithFunction
ArithFunctionTerm(ArithFunction function)

Uses of ArithFunction in jason.asSyntax.directives

Methods in jason.asSyntax.directives that return ArithFunction
static ArithFunction FunctionRegister.getFunction(java.lang.String function, int arity)

Method parameters in jason.asSyntax.directives with type arguments of type ArithFunction
static void FunctionRegister.addFunction(java.lang.Class<? extends ArithFunction> c)
          add new global function (shared among all agents in the JVM)

Uses of ArithFunction in jason.functions

Classes in jason.functions that implement ArithFunction
 class Abs
          Function: math.abs(N): encapsulates java Math.abs(N).
 class Average
          Function: math.average(L): returns the average of all values of L.
 class ceil
          Function: math.ceil(N): encapsulates java Math.ceil(N), returns the smallest double value that is not less than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
 class Count
          Function: .count(B): counts the number of occurrences of a particular belief (pattern) in the agent's belief base, as the internal action .count.
 class e
          Function: math.e: encapsulates java Math.E.
 class floor
          Function: math.floor(N): encapsulates java Math.floor(N), returns the largest double value that is not greater than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
 class Length
          Function: .length(L): returns the size of either the list or string L.
 class log
          Function: math.log(N): encapsulates java Math.log(N), returns the natural logarithm (base e) of N.
 class Max
          Function: math.max(N1,N2): encapsulates java Math.max(N1,N2).
 class Min
          Function: math.min(N1,N2): encapsulates java Math.min(N1,N2).
 class pi
          Function: math.pi: encapsulates java Math.PI.
 class Random
          Function: math.random(N): encapsulates java Math.random; If N is not informed: returns a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0; If N is informed: returns a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than N.
 class Round
          Function: math.round(N): encapsulates java Math.round(N); returns the closest integer to the argument.
 class RuleToFunction
          Wraps a rule into a function.
 class Sqrt
          Function: math.sqrt(N): encapsulates java Math.sqrt(N); returns the correctly rounded positive square root of N.
 class StdDev
          Function: math.std_dev(L): returns the standard deviation of all values of L.
 class Sum
          Function: math.sum(L): sums all values of L.
 class time
          Function: system.time: encapsulates java System.currentTimeMillis(), returns the current time in milliseconds.