Class CentralisedEnvironment

Package class diagram package CentralisedEnvironment
  extended by jason.infra.centralised.CentralisedEnvironment
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CentralisedEnvironment
extends java.lang.Object
implements EnvironmentInfraTier

This class implements the centralised version of the environment infrastructure tier.

Constructor Summary
CentralisedEnvironment(ClassParameters userEnvArgs, RunCentralisedMAS masRunner)
Method Summary
 void act(java.lang.String agName, ActionExec action)
          called by the agent infra arch to perform an action in the environment
 void actionExecuted(java.lang.String agName, Structure actTerm, boolean success, java.lang.Object infraData)
          called by the user implementation of the environment when the action was executed
 RuntimeServicesInfraTier getRuntimeServices()
          Gets an object with infrastructure runtime services
 Environment getUserEnvironment()
 void informAgsEnvironmentChanged(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> agentsToNotify)
          Sends a message to a set of agents notifying them that the environment has changed.
 void informAgsEnvironmentChanged(java.lang.String... agents)
          Sends a message to the given agents notifying them that the environment has changed (called by the user environment).
 boolean isRunning()
          returns true if the infrastructure environment is running
 void setUserEnvironment(Environment env)
 void stop()
          called before the end of MAS execution, it just calls the user environment class stop method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CentralisedEnvironment(ClassParameters userEnvArgs,
                              RunCentralisedMAS masRunner)
                       throws JasonException
Method Detail


public boolean isRunning()
Description copied from interface: EnvironmentInfraTier
returns true if the infrastructure environment is running

Specified by:
isRunning in interface EnvironmentInfraTier


public void stop()
called before the end of MAS execution, it just calls the user environment class stop method.


public void setUserEnvironment(Environment env)


public Environment getUserEnvironment()


public void act(java.lang.String agName,
                ActionExec action)
called by the agent infra arch to perform an action in the environment


public void actionExecuted(java.lang.String agName,
                           Structure actTerm,
                           boolean success,
                           java.lang.Object infraData)
Description copied from interface: EnvironmentInfraTier
called by the user implementation of the environment when the action was executed

Specified by:
actionExecuted in interface EnvironmentInfraTier


public void informAgsEnvironmentChanged(java.lang.String... agents)
Description copied from interface: EnvironmentInfraTier
Sends a message to the given agents notifying them that the environment has changed (called by the user environment). If no agent is informed, the notification is sent to all agents.

Specified by:
informAgsEnvironmentChanged in interface EnvironmentInfraTier


public void informAgsEnvironmentChanged(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> agentsToNotify)
Description copied from interface: EnvironmentInfraTier
Sends a message to a set of agents notifying them that the environment has changed. The collection has the agents' names. (called by the user environment).

Specified by:
informAgsEnvironmentChanged in interface EnvironmentInfraTier


public RuntimeServicesInfraTier getRuntimeServices()
Description copied from interface: EnvironmentInfraTier
Gets an object with infrastructure runtime services

Specified by:
getRuntimeServices in interface EnvironmentInfraTier