Package jason.infra.centralised

Package class diagram package jason.infra.centralised
Interface Summary
MsgListener Interface for objects that want to listen sent messages in centralised architecture.

Class Summary
BaseDialogGUI base class for dialog windows
CentralisedAgArch This class provides an agent architecture when using Centralised infrastructure to run the MAS inside Jason.
CentralisedEnvironment This class implements the centralised version of the environment infrastructure tier.
CentralisedExecutionControl Concrete implementation of the controller for centralised infrastructure tier.
CentralisedMASLauncherAnt Write the Ant script to run the MAS in centralised infrastructure and start this script.
CentralisedRuntimeServices This class implements the centralised version of the runtime services.
CreateJNLP creates a JNLP file for a project
RunCentralisedMAS Runs MASProject using centralised infrastructure.