Uses of Class

Packages that use MoiseException

Uses of MoiseException in moise.common

Subclasses of MoiseException in moise.common
 class MoiseCardinalityException
          Moise exception
 class MoiseConsistencyException
          Moise exception
 class MoiseXMLParserException
          Moise exception

Uses of MoiseException in moise.oe

Methods in moise.oe that throw MoiseException
 void SchemeInstance.abort()
          remove all commitments without checking goal state
protected  void OEAgent.abort()
          remove the roles/missions of this agent without checking (in the case the agent leaves the society without finishing its commitments)
 void OEAgent.abortMission(java.lang.String missionId, SchemeInstance sch)
          removes a mission commitment without checking
 void OE.abortScheme(SchemeInstance sch)
          Aborts (and removes) the scheme instance from the OE's Schemes.
 OEAgent OE.addAgent(java.lang.String agName)
          Adds an agent in the OE.
 GroupInstance OE.addGroup(java.lang.String grSpecId)
          Creates a new root group instance from the specification denoted by grSpecId.
 GroupInstance OE.addGroup(java.lang.String grId, java.lang.String grSpecId)
          Creates a new root group instance (identified by grId) from the specification denoted by grSpecId.
 GroupInstance GroupInstance.addSubGroup(java.lang.String grSpecId)
          Adds a subgroup in a group, the id of the subgroup is defined automatically.
 GroupInstance GroupInstance.addSubGroup(java.lang.String grId, java.lang.String grSpecId)
          Adds a subgroup in a group.
 void OE.finishScheme(SchemeInstance sch)
          Removes the scheme instance from the OE's Schemes.
 void OE.removeAgent(java.lang.String agId, boolean check)
          Removes an agent from the OE.
 MissionPlayer OEAgent.removeMission(java.lang.String missionId, SchemeInstance sch)
          removes a mission from an agent.
 MissionPlayer OEAgent.removeMission(java.lang.String missionId, java.lang.String schId)
          removes a mission from an agent.
protected  void SchemeInstance.removePlayer(MissionPlayer mp)
          removes a mission player from this scheme (no checks are done)
 void GoalInstance.setArgumentValue(java.lang.String arg, java.lang.Object value)
          set an argument's value for this instance goal

Example: InstanceGoal gA = sch.getGoal("a"); gA.setArgumentValue("Z", "120");

 SchemeInstance OE.startScheme(java.lang.String schSpecId)
          Creates a new scheme instance.
 SchemeInstance OE.startScheme(java.lang.String schId, java.lang.String schSpecId)
          Creates a new scheme instance with a particular id.

Uses of MoiseException in moise.os

Methods in moise.os that throw MoiseException
 void OS.addSS(SS s)
          adds the elements (roles definitions, link types, ...)
 void Cardinality.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)
 void OS.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          the organisation-specification parent node is the parameter

Uses of MoiseException in moise.os.fs

Methods in moise.os.fs that throw MoiseException
 void Scheme.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)
 void Mission.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)
 void FS.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)
 void Plan.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele, Goal targetGoal)
 void Goal.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele, Scheme sch)

Uses of MoiseException in moise.os.ns

Methods in moise.os.ns that throw MoiseException
 void Norm.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)
 void NS.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)

Uses of MoiseException in

Methods in that throw MoiseException
 void SS.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)
 void RoleRel.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)
 void Role.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)
 void Group.setFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element ele)

Uses of MoiseException in moise.reorg

Methods in moise.reorg that throw MoiseException
 void ReorgPlan.execute(OE oe)

Uses of MoiseException in moise.reorg.commands

Methods in moise.reorg.commands that throw MoiseException
 void RemoveRole.execute(OS os, OE oe)
 void RemoveAllRoleObligations.execute(OS os, OE oe)
 void ChangeRoleDefProperties.execute(OS os, OE oe)
 void ChangeRoleCardinality.execute(OS os, OE oe)
 void ChangeOS.execute(OS os, OE oe)
 void AddRoleObligation.execute(OS os, OE oe)
 void AddRole.execute(OS os, OE oe)

Uses of MoiseException in ora4mas.nopl

Methods in ora4mas.nopl that throw MoiseException
 void SchemeBoard.init(java.lang.String osFile, java.lang.String schType, boolean createMonitoring, boolean hasGUI)
          Initialises the scheme artifact
 void GroupBoard.init(java.lang.String osFile, java.lang.String grType, boolean createMonitoring, boolean hasGUI)
          Initialises the group board
protected  void OrgArt.initNormativeEngine(OS os, java.lang.String type)
 void SchemeBoard.leaveMission(java.lang.String mission)
          The agent executing this operation tries to leave/remove its mission in the scheme Verifications: the agent must be committed to the mission the mission's goals have to be satisfied (otherwise the agent is obliged to commit again to the mission)