Uses of Class

Packages that use Structure

Uses of Structure in jason.asSemantics

Methods in jason.asSemantics that return Structure
 Structure ActionExec.getActionTerm()

Uses of Structure in jason.asSyntax

Subclasses of Structure in jason.asSyntax
 class ArithExpr
          Represents and solve arithmetic expressions like "10 + 30".
 class ArithFunctionTerm
          Represents an arithmetic function, like math.max(arg1,arg2) -- a functor (math.max) and two arguments.
 class BinaryStructure
          Represents a binary/unary logical/relational operator.
 class BodyLiteral
          Deprecated. use PlanBodyImpl instead.
 class InternalActionLiteral
          A particular type of literal used to represent internal actions (which has a "." in the functor).
 class ListTermImpl
          Represents a list node as in prolog .(t1,.(t2,.(t3,.))).
 class LiteralImpl
          A Literal extends a Pred with strong negation (~).
 class LogExpr
          Represents a logical formula with some logical operator ("&", "|", "not").
 class Plan
          Represents an AgentSpack plan (it extends structure to be used as a term)
 class PlanBodyImpl
          Represents a plan body item (achieve, test, action, ...) and its successors.
 class Pred
          A Pred extends a Structure with annotations, e.g.: a(1)[an1,an2].
 class RelExpr
          Represents a relational expression like 10 > 20.
 class Rule
          A rule is a Literal (head) with a body, as in "a :- b & c".
 class Trigger
          Represents an AgentSpeak trigger (like +!g, +p, ...).
 class UnnamedVar
          Represents an unnamed variable '_'.
 class VarTerm
          Represents a variable Term: like X (starts with upper case).

Methods in jason.asSyntax that return Structure
static Structure ASSyntax.createStructure(java.lang.String functor, Term... terms)
          Creates a new structure (compound) term, the first argument is the functor (a string), and the n remainder arguments are terms.
static Structure Structure.parse(java.lang.String sTerm)
static Structure ASSyntax.parseStructure(java.lang.String sStructure)
          creates a new structure (a kind of term) by parsing a string

Constructors in jason.asSyntax with parameters of type Structure
InternalActionLiteral(Structure p, Agent ag)

Uses of Structure in

Methods in that return Structure
static Structure JDBCPersistentBB.timestamp2structure(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp)
          translates a SQL timestamp into a structure like "timestamp(Y,M,D,H,M,S)"

Methods in with parameters of type Structure
protected  java.lang.String JDBCPersistentBB.getCreateTable(java.lang.String table, int arity, Structure columns)
          returns the SQL command to create a new table
protected  java.lang.String AgentJDBCPersistentBB.getCreateTable(java.lang.String table, int arity, Structure columns)

Uses of Structure in jason.environment

Methods in jason.environment that return Structure
 Structure TimeSteppedEnvironment.getActionInSchedule(java.lang.String agName)

Methods in jason.environment with parameters of type Structure
 void EnvironmentInfraTier.actionExecuted(java.lang.String agName, Structure actTerm, boolean success, java.lang.Object infraData)
          called by the user implementation of the environment when the action was executed
 boolean Environment.executeAction(java.lang.String agName, Structure act)
          Executes an action on the environment.
protected  int TimeSteppedEnvironment.requiredStepsForAction(java.lang.String agName, Structure action)
 void TimeSteppedEnvironment.scheduleAction(java.lang.String agName, Structure action, java.lang.Object infraData)
 void Environment.scheduleAction(java.lang.String agName, Structure action, java.lang.Object infraData)
          Called by the agent infrastructure to schedule an action to be executed on the environment

Uses of Structure in jason.infra.centralised

Methods in jason.infra.centralised with parameters of type Structure
 void CentralisedEnvironment.actionExecuted(java.lang.String agName, Structure actTerm, boolean success, java.lang.Object infraData)

Uses of Structure in jason.infra.jade

Methods in jason.infra.jade with parameters of type Structure
 void JadeEnvironment.actionExecuted(java.lang.String agName, Structure actTerm, boolean success, java.lang.Object infraData)

Uses of Structure in jason.infra.saci

Methods in jason.infra.saci with parameters of type Structure
 void SaciEnvironment.actionExecuted(java.lang.String agName, Structure actTerm, boolean success, java.lang.Object infraData)

Uses of Structure in jason.mas2j

Constructors in jason.mas2j with parameters of type Structure
ClassParameters(Structure s)