Uses of Interface

Packages that use Term
jason.stdlib Provides all default internal actions of Jason. 

Uses of Term in jason

Fields in jason declared as Term
static Term JasonException.UNKNOW_ERROR
static Term JasonException.WRONG_ARGS

Methods in jason with parameters of type Term
 void JasonException.addErrorAnnot(Term t)
static ListTerm JasonException.createBasicErrorAnnots(Term id, java.lang.String msg)

Constructors in jason with parameters of type Term
JasonException(java.lang.String msg, Term error)
          Constructs an instance of JasonException with the specified detail message and error description term.
JasonException(java.lang.String msg, Term error, java.lang.Exception cause)

Uses of Term in jason.asSemantics

Fields in jason.asSemantics with type parameters of type Term
protected  java.util.HashMap<VarTerm,Term> Unifier.function

Methods in jason.asSemantics that return Term
 Term Unifier.get(java.lang.String var)
          gets the value for a Var, if it is unified with another var, gets this other's value
 Term Unifier.get(VarTerm vtp)
          gets the value for a Var, if it is unified with another var, gets this other's value
 Term Unifier.getAsTerm()
 Term Intention.getAsTerm()
 Term IntendedMeans.getAsTerm()
 Term[] InternalAction.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
          Prepare body's terms to be used in 'execute', normally it consist of cloning and applying each term
 Term[] DefaultInternalAction.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
 Term[] ConcurrentInternalAction.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
 Term IntendedMeans.removeCurrentStep()
          removes the current action of the IM and returns the term of the body

Methods in jason.asSemantics with parameters of type Term
 void Unifier.apply(Term t)
          Deprecated. use t.apply(un) instead.
protected  void DefaultInternalAction.checkArguments(Term[] args)
 double DefaultArithFunction.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double ArithFunction.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
          evaluates/computes the function based on the args
 java.lang.Object InternalAction.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
          Executes the internal action.
 java.lang.Object DefaultInternalAction.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object ConcurrentInternalAction.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 boolean Unifier.unifies(Term t1, Term t2)
          this version of unifies undo the variables' mapping if the unification fails.
 boolean Unifier.unifiesNoUndo(Term t1g, Term t2g)
          this version of unifies does not undo the variables' mapping in case of failure.
protected  boolean Unifier.unifyTerms(Term t1g, Term t2g)

Method parameters in jason.asSemantics with type arguments of type Term
 boolean TransitionSystem.generateGoalDeletion(Intention i, java.util.List<Term> failAnnots)
          generate a failure event for an intention
static void ConcurrentInternalAction.resume(TransitionSystem ts, java.lang.String intentionKey, boolean abort, java.util.List<Term> failAnnots)

Uses of Term in jason.asSyntax

Subinterfaces of Term in jason.asSyntax
 interface ListTerm
          The interface for lists of the AgentSpeak language
 interface LogicalFormula
          Represents a logical formula (p, p & q, not p, 3 > X, ...) which can be evaluated into a truth value.
 interface NumberTerm
          The interface for numeric terms of AgentSpeak language
 interface ObjectTerm
          Interface for terms that encapsulate java objects
 interface PlanBody
          Interface for elements of a plans's body.
 interface StringTerm
          The interface for string terms of the AgentSpeak language

Classes in jason.asSyntax that implement Term
 class ArithExpr
          Represents and solve arithmetic expressions like "10 + 30".
 class ArithFunctionTerm
          Represents an arithmetic function, like math.max(arg1,arg2) -- a functor (math.max) and two arguments.
 class Atom
          Represents an atom (a positive literal with no argument and no annotation, e.g.
 class BinaryStructure
          Represents a binary/unary logical/relational operator.
 class BodyLiteral
          Deprecated. use PlanBodyImpl instead.
 class DefaultTerm
          Base class for all terms.
 class InternalActionLiteral
          A particular type of literal used to represent internal actions (which has a "." in the functor).
 class ListTermImpl
          Represents a list node as in prolog .(t1,.(t2,.(t3,.))).
 class Literal
          This class represents an abstract literal (an Atom, Structure, Predicate, etc), it is mainly the interface of a literal.
 class LiteralImpl
          A Literal extends a Pred with strong negation (~).
 class LogExpr
          Represents a logical formula with some logical operator ("&", "|", "not").
 class NumberTermImpl
          Immutable class that implements a term that represents a number
 class ObjectTermImpl
 class Plan
          Represents an AgentSpack plan (it extends structure to be used as a term)
 class PlanBodyImpl
          Represents a plan body item (achieve, test, action, ...) and its successors.
 class Pred
          A Pred extends a Structure with annotations, e.g.: a(1)[an1,an2].
 class RelExpr
          Represents a relational expression like 10 > 20.
 class Rule
          A rule is a Literal (head) with a body, as in "a :- b & c".
 class StringTermImpl
          Immutable class for string terms.
 class Structure
          Represents a structure: a functor with n arguments, e.g.: val(10,x(3)).
 class Trigger
          Represents an AgentSpeak trigger (like +!g, +p, ...).
 class UnnamedVar
          Represents an unnamed variable '_'.
 class VarTerm
          Represents a variable Term: like X (starts with upper case).

Fields in jason.asSyntax declared as Term
protected static Term[] Structure.emptyTermArray

Fields in jason.asSyntax with type parameters of type Term
protected static java.util.List<Term> Structure.emptyTermList

Methods in jason.asSyntax that return Term
 Term VarTerm.clone()
 Term UnnamedVar.clone()
 Term Term.clone()
 Term Structure.clone()
          make a deep copy of the terms
 Term Pred.clone()
 Term Plan.clone()
 Term LiteralImpl.clone()
abstract  Term DefaultTerm.clone()
 Term Atom.clone()
static Term Pred.createSource(Term source)
 Term VarTerm.get(int index)
 Term ListTermImpl.get(int index)
 Term VarTerm.getBodyTerm()
 Term PlanBodyImpl.getBodyTerm()
 Term PlanBody.getBodyTerm()
 Term BinaryStructure.getLHS()
          gets the LHS of this operation
 Term BinaryStructure.getRHS()
          gets the RHS of this operation
 Term VarTerm.getTerm()
 Term ListTermImpl.getTerm()
          gets the term of this ListTerm
 Term ListTerm.getTerm()
 Term VarTerm.getTerm(int i)
 Term Trigger.getTerm(int i)
 Term Structure.getTerm(int i)
 Term PlanBodyImpl.getTerm(int i)
 Term Plan.getTerm(int i)
 Term Literal.getTerm(int i)
          returns the i-th term (first term is 0)
 Term ListTermImpl.getTerm(int i)
 Term[] VarTerm.getTermsArray()
 Term[] Literal.getTermsArray()
          returns all terms of this literal as an array
 Term VarTerm.getValue()
          returns the value of this var.
static Term DefaultTerm.parse(java.lang.String sTerm)
          Deprecated. it is preferable to use ASSyntax.parseTerm
static Term ASSyntax.parseTerm(java.lang.String sTerm)
          creates a new term by parsing a string
 Term VarTerm.remove(int index)
 Term ListTermImpl.remove(int index)
 Term VarTerm.removeBody(int index)
 Term PlanBodyImpl.removeBody(int index)
 Term PlanBody.removeBody(int index)
 Term VarTerm.removeLast()
 Term ListTermImpl.removeLast()
 Term ListTerm.removeLast()
 Term VarTerm.set(int index, Term o)
 Term ListTermImpl.set(int index, Term t)

Methods in jason.asSyntax that return types with arguments of type Term
 java.util.List<Term> VarTerm.getAsList()
 java.util.List<Term> ListTermImpl.getAsList()
          Returns this ListTerm as a Java List (implemented by ArrayList).
 java.util.List<Term> ListTerm.getAsList()
 java.util.List<Term> VarTerm.getTerms()
 java.util.List<Term> Structure.getTerms()
 java.util.List<Term> Literal.getTerms()
          returns all terms of this literal
 java.util.List<Term> ListTermImpl.getTerms()
          return the this ListTerm elements (0=Term, 1=ListTerm)
 java.util.Iterator<Term> VarTerm.iterator()
 java.util.Iterator<Term> ListTermImpl.iterator()
          returns an iterator where each element is a Term of this list, the tail of the list is not considered.
 java.util.ListIterator<Term> VarTerm.listIterator()
 java.util.ListIterator<Term> ListTermImpl.listIterator()
 java.util.ListIterator<Term> VarTerm.listIterator(int index)
 java.util.ListIterator<Term> ListTermImpl.listIterator(int startIndex)
 java.util.List<Term> VarTerm.subList(int arg0, int arg1)
 java.util.List<Term> ListTermImpl.subList(int arg0, int arg1)
 java.util.Iterator<java.util.List<Term>> VarTerm.subSets(int k)
 java.util.Iterator<java.util.List<Term>> ListTermImpl.subSets(int k)
          returns all subsets that take k elements of this list
 java.util.Iterator<java.util.List<Term>> ListTerm.subSets(int k)
          returns all subsets that take k elements of this list

Methods in jason.asSyntax with parameters of type Term
 void VarTerm.add(int index, Term o)
 void ListTermImpl.add(int index, Term o)
 Plan PlanLibrary.add(Plan p, Term source, boolean before)
          Add a new plan in PL.
 Plan PlanLibrary.add(StringTerm stPlan, Term tSource)
          Deprecated. parse the plan before (ASSyntax methods) and call add(Plan, ...) methods
 Plan PlanLibrary.add(StringTerm stPlan, Term tSource, boolean before)
          Deprecated. parse the plan before (ASSyntax methods) and call add(Plan, ...) methods
 boolean VarTerm.add(Term o)
 boolean ListTermImpl.add(Term o)
 boolean VarTerm.addAnnot(Term t)
 boolean Pred.addAnnot(Term t)
 boolean Literal.addAnnot(Term t)
 Literal Pred.addAnnots(Term... l)
 Literal Literal.addAnnots(Term... terms)
          adds some annots and return this
 void VarTerm.addSource(Term t)
 void Pred.addSource(Term agName)
 void Literal.addSource(Term agName)
          adds the annotation source(agName)
 void VarTerm.addTerm(Term t)
 void Structure.addTerm(Term t)
 void Literal.addTerm(Term t)
 void ListTermImpl.addTerm(Term t)
 Literal Structure.addTerms(Term... ts)
 Literal Literal.addTerms(Term... ts)
          adds some terms and return this
 ListTerm VarTerm.append(Term t)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.append(Term t)
          Adds a term in the end of the list
 ListTerm ListTerm.append(Term t)
 int VarTerm.compareTo(Term t)
 int UnnamedVar.compareTo(Term t)
 int Structure.compareTo(Term t)
 int StringTermImpl.compareTo(Term o)
 int Pred.compareTo(Term t)
 int NumberTermImpl.compareTo(Term o)
 int LiteralImpl.compareTo(Term t)
 int ListTermImpl.compareTo(Term o)
 int DefaultTerm.compareTo(Term t)
 int Atom.compareTo(Term t)
 int ArithFunctionTerm.compareTo(Term o)
static ListTerm ASSyntax.createList(Term... terms)
          Creates a new list with n elements, n can be 0
static Literal ASSyntax.createLiteral(boolean positive, java.lang.String functor, Term... terms)
          Creates a new literal, the first argument is either Literal.LPos or Literal.LNeg, the second is the functor (a string), and the n remainder arguments are terms.
static Literal ASSyntax.createLiteral(java.lang.String functor, Term... terms)
          Creates a new positive literal, the first argument is the functor (a string) and the n remainder arguments are terms.
static Term Pred.createSource(Term source)
static Structure ASSyntax.createStructure(java.lang.String functor, Term... terms)
          Creates a new structure (compound) term, the first argument is the functor (a string), and the n remainder arguments are terms.
 boolean VarTerm.delAnnot(Term t)
 boolean Pred.delAnnot(Term t)
 boolean Literal.delAnnot(Term t)
 boolean VarTerm.delSource(Term s)
 boolean Pred.delSource(Term agName)
 boolean Literal.delSource(Term agName)
          deletes one source(agName) annotation, return true if deleted
 boolean VarTerm.hasAnnot(Term t)
 boolean Pred.hasAnnot(Term t)
 boolean Literal.hasAnnot(Term t)
          returns true if there is some annotation t in the literal
 boolean VarTerm.hasSource(Term s)
 boolean Pred.hasSource(Term agName)
 boolean Literal.hasSource(Term agName)
          returns true if this literal has a "source(agName)"
 ListTerm VarTerm.insert(Term t)
 ListTerm ListTermImpl.insert(Term t)
          insert a term in the begin of this list
 ListTerm ListTerm.insert(Term t)
 boolean PlanLibrary.remove(Atom pLabel, Term source)
          Remove a plan represented by the label pLabel.
 Term VarTerm.set(int index, Term o)
 Term ListTermImpl.set(int index, Term t)
 void VarTerm.setBodyTerm(Term t)
 void PlanBodyImpl.setBodyTerm(Term t)
 void PlanBody.setBodyTerm(Term t)
 void VarTerm.setNext(Term t)
 void ListTermImpl.setNext(Term l)
 void ListTerm.setNext(Term l)
 void VarTerm.setTerm(int i, Term t)
 void Trigger.setTerm(int i, Term t)
 void Structure.setTerm(int i, Term t)
 void PlanBodyImpl.setTerm(int i, Term t)
 void Plan.setTerm(int i, Term t)
 void Literal.setTerm(int i, Term t)
 void ListTermImpl.setTerm(int i, Term t)
 void VarTerm.setTerm(Term t)
 void ListTermImpl.setTerm(Term t)
 void ListTerm.setTerm(Term t)
 boolean VarTerm.setValue(Term vl)
          grounds a variable, set a value for this var (e.g.
static Trigger Trigger.tryToGetTrigger(Term t)
          try to convert the term t into a trigger, in case t is a trigger term, a string that can be parsed to a trigger, a var with value trigger, ....
protected  VarTerm Structure.varToReplace(Term t, Unifier un)

Method parameters in jason.asSyntax with type arguments of type Term
 Literal VarTerm.addAnnots(java.util.List<Term> l)
 Literal Pred.addAnnots(java.util.List<Term> l)
 Literal Literal.addAnnots(java.util.List<Term> l)
          adds some annots and return this
 Literal VarTerm.addTerms(java.util.List<Term> l)
 Literal Structure.addTerms(java.util.List<Term> l)
 Literal Literal.addTerms(java.util.List<Term> l)
          adds some terms and return this
static ListTerm ASSyntax.createList(java.util.Collection<Term> terms)
          Creates a new list from a collection of terms (each element of the collection is cloned)
 boolean VarTerm.delAnnots(java.util.List<Term> l)
 boolean Pred.delAnnots(java.util.List<Term> l)
 boolean Literal.delAnnots(java.util.List<Term> l)
          removes all annots in this pred that are in the list l.
 Literal VarTerm.setTerms(java.util.List<Term> l)
 Literal Structure.setTerms(java.util.List<Term> l)
 Literal Literal.setTerms(java.util.List<Term> l)
          set all terms of the literal and return this

Constructors in jason.asSyntax with parameters of type Term
BinaryStructure(java.lang.String id, Term arg)
          Constructor for unary operator
BinaryStructure(Term t1, java.lang.String id, Term t2)
          Constructor for binary operator
BodyLiteral(BodyLiteral.BodyType t, Term b)
PlanBodyImpl(PlanBody.BodyType t, Term b)
RelExpr(Term t1, RelExpr.RelationalOp oper, Term t2)

Uses of Term in

Fields in declared as Term
static Term BeliefBase.APercept
static Term BeliefBase.ASelf
static Term BeliefBase.TPercept
          represents the structure 'source(percept)'
static Term BeliefBase.TSelf
          represents the structure 'source(self)'

Methods in with parameters of type Term
static java.sql.Timestamp JDBCPersistentBB.structure2timestamp(Term timestamp)
          translates structure like "timestamp(Y,M,D,H,M,S)" into a SQL timestamp

Uses of Term in jason.functions

Methods in jason.functions with parameters of type Term
 double time.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double pi.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double log.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double floor.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double e.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double ceil.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Sum.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double StdDev.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Sqrt.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double RuleToFunction.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Round.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Random.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Min.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Max.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Length.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Count.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Average.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)
 double Abs.evaluate(TransitionSystem ts, Term[] args)

Uses of Term in jason.stdlib

Methods in jason.stdlib that return Term
 Term add_nested_source.addAnnotToList(Unifier unif, Term l, Term source)
protected  Term add_annot.addAnnotToList(Unifier unif, Term l, Term annot)
 Term[] setof.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
 Term[] loop.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
 Term[] if_then_else.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
 Term[] foreach.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
 Term[] findall.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
 Term[] eval.prepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)

Methods in jason.stdlib with parameters of type Term
 Term add_nested_source.addAnnotToList(Unifier unif, Term l, Term source)
protected  Term add_annot.addAnnotToList(Unifier unif, Term l, Term annot)
protected  java.lang.String println.argsToString(Term[] args)
protected  void suspended.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void suspend.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void suffix.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void succeed_goal.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void sublist.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void sort.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void setof.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void send.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void resume.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void range.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void random.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void prefix.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void nth.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void min.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void member.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void loop.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void intend.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void if_then_else.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void foreach.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void findall.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void eval.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void drop_intention.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void difference.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void create_agent.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void count.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void broadcast.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  void abolish.checkArguments(Term[] args)
protected  boolean a, Term t)
protected  boolean a, Term t)
 java.lang.Object wait.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object union.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object time.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object term2string.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object suspended.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object suspend.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object suffix.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object succeed_goal.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object substring.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object sublist.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object structure.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object string.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object stopMAS.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object sort.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object setof.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object send.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object reverse.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object resume.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object remove_plan.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object relevant_plans.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object range.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object random.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object puts.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object println.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object prefix.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object plan_label.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object perceive.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object number.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object nth.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object my_name.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object min.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object member.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object loop.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object literal.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object list_plans.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object list.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object length.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object kill_agent.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object intersection.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object intend.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object if_then_else.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object ground.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object foreach.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object findall.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object fail_goal.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object fail.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object eval.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object drop_intention.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object drop_event.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object drop_desire.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object drop_all_intentions.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object drop_all_events.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object drop_all_desires.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object difference.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object desire.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object delete.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object date.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object current_intention.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object create_agent.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object count.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object concat.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object clone.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object broadcast.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object atom.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object at.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object all_names.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object add_plan.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object add_nested_source.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object add_annot.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)
 java.lang.Object abolish.execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args)